Search for: polygamy

81 Ellen G. White and Her Critics, p. 310.2 (Francis D. Nichol)

… , and polygamy only increases the corruption and wickedness. The disputed passage says that God brought the Flood because men “had corrupted their ways before …

82 Ellen G. White and Her Critics, p. 311.3 (Francis D. Nichol)

Polygamy was practiced at an early date. It was one of the sins that brought the wrath of God upon the antediluvian world. Yet after the flood it again became …

83 Ellen G. White and Her Critics, p. 312.1 (Francis D. Nichol)

… idolatry, polygamy, and kindred evils, as the cause of the Flood. And all this harmonizes with the earlier quoted statement in the opening paragraph of the …

84 Ellen G. White and Her Critics, p. 312.3 (Francis D. Nichol)

… , the polygamy, the murder of men, and the destruction of animal life. Then comes immediately the disputed passage, as though summarizing: “But if there was one …

85 The Great Visions of Ellen G. White, p. 50.4 (Roger W. Coon)

… of polygamy was a scandal to many Christians of the day. And (2) “because my work includes much more than the word ‘prophet’ signifies.” Ibid.

86 The World of Ellen G. White, p. 103.3 (Gary Land)

… embracing polygamy; the Oneida Perfectionists fell somewhere in between in opting for the sexual promiscuity of “spiritual wifery.”

87 The World of Ellen G. White, p. 211.3 (Gary Land)

… practiced polygamy, and John Humphrey Noyes’s Oneida Community in New York, which attempted to extend to the institution of marriage the principle of holding …

88 Amalgamation, p. 3.7 (Francis D. Nichol)

… to polygamy and makes this statement: “The more men multiplied wives to themselves, the more they increased in wickedness and unhappiness.”—Page 63.

89 Amalgamation, p. 4.1 (Francis D. Nichol)

… , and polygamy only increases the corruption and wickedness. The disputed passage says that God brought the Flood because men “had corrupted their ways before …

90 Amalgamation

Polygamy was practiced at an early date. It was one of the sins that brought the wrath of God upon the antediluvian world. Yet after the flood it again became …

91 Amalgamation, p. 5.3 (Francis D. Nichol)

… idolatry, polygamy, and kindred evils, as the cause of the Flood. And all this harmonizes with the earlier quoted statement in the opening paragraph of the …

92 Amalgamation, p. 5.5 (Francis D. Nichol)

… , the polygamy, the murder of men, and the destruction of animal life. Then comes immediately the disputed passage, as though summarizing; “But if there was one …

93 Inspiration/Revelation: What It Is and How It Works, p. 62.5 (Roger W. Coon)

… condone polygamy, among other sins. However, the question persists, was Abraham the friend of God and was David a man after God’s own heart because of their …

94 Spirit of Prophecy Counsels Relating To Church-State Relationships, p. 157.3 (Ellen Gould White)

… and polygamy were allowed, but in the beginning ‘it was not so.’ Had Israel not forsaken God, the books of Esther and Nehemiah would not have been written. The speaker …

95 The Story of Redemption -- Study Guide, p. 24.1 (Ellen G. White Estate)

7. How do we know from this Bible story that God does not approve of polygamy? ( p. 80 )

98 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Abraham.69

Abraham, polygamy in PP 145-7; 3SG 100-4; SR 77-80

99 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Adultery.69

Adultery, See also Divorce; Fornication; Fuller, Nathan; Harlots; Immorality; Incest; Licentiousness; Polygamy; Prostitution; Senses, gratification of; Sensuality; Sodomy; Vice, secret

100 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Antediluvian, Antediluvians (people who lived before the flood).42

Antediluvian, Antediluvians (people who lived before the flood), polygamy among PP 91-2, 338; 3SG 63, 99; SR 64, 75-6