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81 Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 354.1 (Ellen Gould White)
594. Fruits, grains, and vegetables, prepared in a simple way, free from spice and grease of all kinds, make, with milk or cream, the most healthful diet.—[ Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 47 ] Counsels on Health, 115, 1890
82 Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 355 (Ellen Gould White)
Part 3—Milk and Cream
83 Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 355.2 (Ellen Gould White)
… , with milk or cream, the most healthful diet. They impart nourishment to the body, and give a power of endurance and a vigor of intellect that are not produced …
84 Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 355.3 (Ellen Gould White)
… little milk or cream, or something equivalent....
85 Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 355.4 (Ellen Gould White)
Some, in abstaining from milk, eggs, and butter, have failed to supply the system with proper nourishment, and as a consequence have become weak and unable to work. Thus health reform is brought into disrepute....
86 Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 355.5 (Ellen Gould White)
… as milk and cream and eggs; but it is not necessary to bring upon ourselves perplexity by premature and extreme restrictions. Wait until the circumstances …
87 Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 356 (Ellen Gould White)
The Danger of Unsafe Milk
88 Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 356.1 (Ellen Gould White)
… of milk and eggs should be wholly discarded. There are poor families whose diet consists largely of bread and milk. They have little fruit, and cannot afford …
89 Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 356.2 (Ellen Gould White)
… of milk or butter. Tell them that the time will soon come when there will be no safety in using eggs, milk, cream, or butter, because disease in animals is increasing …
90 Counsels on Diet and Foods
[ Not to Be Wholly Discarded by Those Especially Needing Milk—625 ]
91 Counsels on Diet and Foods
[ People to Be Taught How to Cook without Milk—807 ]
92 Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 356.3 (Ellen Gould White)
… little milk and some sugar. This we have never denounced, either in our writings or in our preaching. We believe cattle will become so much diseased that these …
93 Counsels on Diet and Foods
[ Use of milk and sugar together, see “Milk and Sugar,” Section XIX ]
94 Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 356.4 (Ellen Gould White)
… which milk is obtained are not always healthy. They may be diseased. A cow may be apparently well in the morning, and die before night. Then she was diseased in …
95 Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 357.1 (Ellen Gould White)
… . Even milk will have to be discarded. Disease is accumulating rapidly. The curse of God is upon the earth, because man has cursed it.— Australasian Union Conference …
96 Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 357 (Ellen Gould White)
Sterilization of Milk
97 Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 357.2 (Ellen Gould White)
607. If milk is used, it should be thoroughly sterilized; with this precaution, there is less danger of contracting disease from its use.— The Ministry of Healing, 302, 1905
98 Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 357.3 (Ellen Gould White)
608. The time may come when it will not be safe to use milk. But if the cows are healthy and the milk thoroughly cooked, there is no necessity of creating a time of trouble beforehand.— Letter 39, 1901
99 Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 357.6 (Ellen Gould White)
611. We place no butter upon our table. Our vegetables are generally cooked with milk or cream and made very palatable.... We think a moderate amount of milk from a healthy cow not objectionable.— Letter 5, 1870
100 Counsels on Diet and Foods
[ Milk and cream used in the White home— Appendix 1:4, 13, 14, 16, 22 ]