Search for: "last generation"

81 Miraculous Powers, p. 24.3 (Merritt E. Cornell)

… the last generation of men, living just prior to the second advent. The dragon makes war on these for keeping the commandments of God, Sabbath and all, and having …

83 The Bible Class, p. 14.2 (Roswell Fenner Cottrell)

… this last generation by the same test, before giving them the promised inheritance, no one can justly complain that his ways are not equal.

84 The Bible Class, p. 49.2 (Roswell Fenner Cottrell)

… the last generation of Christians on earth-the remnant which were noticed in our last lesson. For this is the last message to be given before the Son of man …

85 The Bible Class, p. 110.1 (Roswell Fenner Cottrell)

… the last generation of professed believers in Jesus will have their faith proved by the fulfillment of the signs of the second advent.

86 Mark of the Beast, And Seal of The Living God, p. 9.1 (Roswell Fenner Cottrell)

… the last generation; that they are sealed just before the day of wrath; and that they are redeemed from among men. It is no wonder that they are of the tribes of …

87 Spiritual Gifts, p. 14.2 (Roswell Fenner Cottrell)

… -the last generation of the church on earth, “And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments …

88 The Cross and its Shadow, p. 221.1 (Stephen Nelson Haskell)

… the last generation, which are weaker physically than any previous generation, all the wisdom he has gained in a six thousand years’ warfare. Those who, in the …

89 The Cross and its Shadow, p. 232.3 (Stephen Nelson Haskell)

… the last generation had lived their life; but the Bible is not silent. The date of the opening of this great tribunal was revealed by the Lord thousands of years …

90 The Cross and its Shadow, p. 298.1 (Stephen Nelson Haskell)

… the last generation, there will be twelve thousand redeemed ones, who through the virtue of the blood of Christ, will be grafted into the tribe of Simeon, and …

91 The Story of Daniel the Prophet, p. 14.2 (Stephen Nelson Haskell)

… the last generation, it is doubly necessary that we trace the relationship between certain causes and results.

92 The Story of the Seer of Patmos, p. 69.1 (Stephen Nelson Haskell)

… the last generation. The power of Jezebel will again be felt. What was once done by a church in days of intellectual darkness will be repeated in days of great …

93 The Story of the Seer of Patmos, p. 141.1 (Stephen Nelson Haskell)

… the last generation,-that race which is almost extinct because of the prevalence of disease and sin. But the blood of the Lamb is all powerful, and places these …

94 The Story of the Seer of Patmos, p. 314.4 (Stephen Nelson Haskell)

… the last generation on earth, guests are chosen for the marriage supper of the Lamb. This will be the great gathering time for the heavenly family,-the first …

95 The Story of the Seer of Patmos, p. 315.2 (Stephen Nelson Haskell)

… the last generation who are prepared for the wedding supper. The voice from heaven, which, during the loud cry, says, “Come out of her My people,” gathers guests …

96 The Story of the Seer of Patmos, p. 398.12 (Stephen Nelson Haskell)

4. With whom will those in the last generation be numbered? What does Christ at this time cast upon the earth? What does He lay aside? What bursts forth in all its splendor?

97 The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, vol. 78 April 2, 1901, page 216 paragraph 4

… the last generation by this school nurtured in the Christian Church itself.”

98 An Exposition of Matthew Twenty-Four on the Second Coming of Christ, p. 60.4 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

… the last generation. God sent Noah to the last generation before the flood, not to any preceding one. The very generation which was destroyed by the waters …

99 An Exposition of Matthew Twenty-Four on the Second Coming of Christ, p. 73.3 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

A picture of the present condition of the mass of mankind is here, drawn. The people of the last generation will be like that before the flood, while the ark was preparing.

100 The Signs of the Times, vol. 10 November 27, 1884, page 708 paragraph 11

… the last generation of men. To reject it is to reject the truth; to receive not the love of it, is to “receive not the love of the truth;” to resist it, is to “resist the …