Search for: Choice

941 The Youth’s Instructor February 2, 1893, paragraph 3

… your choice words and a consistent course of action, by your propriety, your earnest piety, make a telling confession of your faith, determined that Christ …

942 The Youth’s Instructor May 25, 1893, paragraph 6

… have choice traits of character, and they are the purchase of the blood of Christ.

943 The Youth’s Instructor June 27, 1895, paragraph 3

… pure, choice thoughts which will elevate, ennoble, and sanctify our characters and the characters of those who hear. The only words that come from our lips …

944 The Youth’s Instructor August 8, 1895, paragraph 1

… your choice to be Satan's slave rather than Christ's free man. Not enlisting in the service of the Captain of our salvation, you show to the world that you have …

945 The Youth’s Instructor October 17, 1895, paragraph 4

… our choice. One by one we are to appropriate the grace of God to the soul, and one cannot decide for another what course he shall take. The Lord says we are to “work …

946 The Youth’s Instructor May 20, 1897, paragraph 8

… his choice for Christ then, how different would have been his future!

947 The Youth’s Instructor May 20, 1897, paragraph 11

… his choice. He presented the weak spot in his character. He was not to be forced to decide one way or the other. He was left free to choose heavenly treasure or …

948 The Youth’s Instructor May 20, 1897, paragraph 13

… .” The choice was left with him. Jesus loved him, and was yearning for his conversion. He had shown him the plague-spot in his character; and with what yearning he …

949 The Youth’s Instructor September 1, 1898, paragraph 4

… your choice. You must fall upon the Rock and be broken, or the Rock will fall upon you, and grind you to powder. Self can not have the supremacy. You have been bought …

950 The Youth’s Instructor December 22, 1898, paragraph 9

… from choice, but it must be with his head downward. And he who was so close a partaker of Christ's sufferings will also be a partaker of his glory when he shall …

951 The Youth’s Instructor April 6, 1899, paragraph 11

… own choice avoid the home of his suffering friends? What sorrow Mary and Martha would have felt, thought the disciples, could they have heard these words! Knowing …

952 The Youth’s Instructor August 17, 1899, paragraph 6

… his choice to be exposed to the profligacy, the gluttony, and the spendthrift habits of that heathen nation. But he set his heart, while there, to serve the Lord …

953 The Youth’s Instructor February 1, 1900, paragraph 13

… their choice. He had given them opportunity to repent, and they would not. Forty years afterward Jerusalem was destroyed, and the Roman power ruled over the …

954 The Youth’s Instructor June 28, 1900, paragraph 4

… own choice Christ died in the presence of an assembled nation of worshipers, type met antitype. He is a true high priest; for after enduring humiliation, shame …

955 The Youth’s Instructor May 9, 1901, paragraph 2

The choice we make in this life will be our choice through all eternity. We shall receive either eternal life or eternal death. There is no middle ground, no …

956 The Youth’s Instructor March 20, 1902, paragraph 3

He died to make it possible for us to keep the law. But all are left to make their choice for themselves. God forces no one to accept the advantages secured for him at an infinite cost.

957 The Youth’s Instructor July 31, 1902, paragraph 7

… own choice they united with the enemy. The powers given them to use in God's service they used in the service of self. They made self their god, refusing to submit …

958 The Youth’s Instructor October 9, 1902, paragraph 6

… unwise choice of reading. Those who are looking for the Lord soon to come, looking for that wondrous change, when “this corruptible shall put on incorruption …

959 The Youth’s Instructor March 5, 1903, paragraph 2

… their choice of words. Too often, fretful, impatient words are spoken, words which stir the worst passions of the human heart. Such ones need the abiding presence …

960 The Youth’s Instructor June 4, 1903, paragraph 8

… decided choice,—one involving the probable sacrifice of every earthly advantage. But in the day of judgment those who reason thus will find that they turned …