Search for: Choice

921 The Signs of the Times August 4, 1898, paragraph 8

… , his choice is made. He yokes up with Christ, and has a compelling power in winning souls to the Saviour. He can not change the heart, but He may convince of the truth …

922 The Signs of the Times February 22, 1899, paragraph 8

… own choice has severed himself from God. His mind and soul are so bound up in Satan's plans that he is palsied. He is incapable of appreciating, appropriating …

923 The Signs of the Times March 21, 1900, paragraph 12

… own choice, so men have set aside God's holy Sabbath, and have exalted one of their own creation. And as Cain was filled with bitterness against Abel, so they …

924 The Signs of the Times March 28, 1900, paragraph 16

… the choice made by the people and the sentence passed upon Christ. But they could not interfere; for in the great controversy between good and evil, Satan must …

925 The Signs of the Times June 24, 1903, paragraph 3

… their choice they reveal that they despise the great salvation which the heavenly Father has placed within their reach. They do not fully appreciate the …

926 The Signs of the Times January 13, 1904, paragraph 1

… .” The choice that Israel was that day called to make is one that today all are called to make; for there are still rival powers in the world. Let us consider the …

927 The Signs of the Times January 13, 1904, paragraph 12

… what choice we are making. Shall we not decide as did Joshua, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord?”

928 The Signs of the Times May 11, 1904, paragraph 9

… own choice. The life and lessons of Christ have converted it into an obligation that we must discharge as an act of loyalty to God. The natural impulses of the …

929 The Signs of the Times November 22, 1905, paragraph 6

… their choice. They will have a knowledge of what it means to transgress the commandments of God.

930 The Signs of the Times December 20, 1905, paragraph 5

Can we, as reasoning beings, regard as wise the choice that leads us to stand under the black banner of rebellion, rather than under the banner of Prince Emmanuel?

931 The Signs of the Times December 20, 1905, paragraph 6

… this choice gain nothing. Only death, eternal death, awaits them.

932 The Signs of the Times September 19, 1906, paragraph 6

… own choice, there is no limit to the possibilities of his development.

934 The Signs of the Times January 25, 1910, paragraph 15

… own choice man's destiny will have been fixed. Then the signal will be given for judgment to be executed.

935 The Signs of the Times August 30, 1910, paragraph 1

… their choice has been. They will then understand that they have chosen Barabbas instead of Christ, the Prince of Peace.

936 The Southern Review January 15, 1901, paragraph 4

… . The choice we make in this life will be our choice through all eternity. We shall receive either eternal life or eternal death. There is no middle ground, no …

937 The Southern Watchman March 6, 1902, paragraph 1

… words, choice and pure, fraught with love and sympathy. Then you will not bruise and wound the souls of your fellow workers. You will strengthen and encourage …

938 The Southern Watchman July 12, 1904, paragraph 10

… than choice gold. For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.”

939 The Youth’s Instructor November 21, 1883, paragraph 11

Dear young reader, what choice have you made? What is the record of your daily life?

940 The Youth’s Instructor October 27, 1892, paragraph 3

… decided choice; for Jesus said, “Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold …