Search for: "voice of god"

921 Manuscript Releases, vol. 12 [Nos. 921-999], p. 131.3 (Ellen Gould White)

… the voice of God in warning. It was acknowledged to be such. The Lord spoke through clay. But was there any manifest change? No, all things went on as they had done …

922 Manuscript Releases, vol. 12 [Nos. 921-999], p. 155.2 (Ellen Gould White)

… the voice of God or appreciated the movings of His Spirit. Then thousands in the eleventh hour will see and acknowledge the truth. “Behold, the days come, saith …

923 Manuscript Releases, vol. 12 [Nos. 921-999], p. 248.2 (Ellen Gould White)

… the voice of God the saints will be mighty and terrible as an army with banners, but they will not then execute the judgment written. But after they are changed …

924 Manuscript Releases, vol. 12 [Nos. 921-999], p. 390.2 (Ellen Gould White)

… the voice of God, and as a result, he killed his brother.

925 Manuscript Releases, vol. 12 [Nos. 921-999], p. 396.4 (Ellen Gould White)

… , the voice of God had been heard proclaiming Christ as His Son. The third time, just before Christ's betrayal, the Father had spoken, witnessing to His Son. But …

926 Manuscript Releases, vol. 13 [Nos. 1000-1080], p. 22.2 (Ellen Gould White)

… the voice of God. “What saith the law? How readest thou?” is the question from the greatest of all teachers.

927 Manuscript Releases, vol. 13 [Nos. 1000-1080], p. 77.3 (Ellen Gould White)

… the voice of God and bear our cross after Jesus, hourly subduing self. The law of God must be written in the heart, or we will never practice its holy precepts …

928 Manuscript Releases, vol. 13 [Nos. 1000-1080], p. 102.4 (Ellen Gould White)

… the voice of God. I was conveniently settled in Battle Creek. I left home, furniture, everything. I had to be gone two years; and what have I received for all I left …

929 Manuscript Releases, vol. 13 [Nos. 1000-1080], p. 192.4 (Ellen Gould White)

… the voice of God; therefore everything must be referred to the conference. The conference must permit or restrict in the various lines of work.” As the matter …

930 Manuscript Releases, vol. 13 [Nos. 1000-1080], p. 289.2 (Ellen Gould White)

… the voice of God. Their plans and devisings are not after the order of God. The same men have been kept in office as directors of boards until, under their own …

931 Manuscript Releases, vol. 13 [Nos. 1000-1080], p. 291.1 (Ellen Gould White)

… the voice of God, become one with God before they utter their opinions. The Word of God is to be lived as well as preached. It is to be brought into every phase of …

932 Manuscript Releases, vol. 14 [Nos. 1081-1135], p. 53.1 (Ellen Gould White)

… the voice of God and stand upon the earth, and would be with the 144,000. I saw we need not mourn for her; she would rest in the time of trouble, and all that we could …

933 Manuscript Releases, vol. 14 [Nos. 1081-1135], p. 174.2 (Ellen Gould White)

The voice of God calls you as it did Elijah. Come out of the cave and stand with God and hear what He will say unto you. When you will come under the divine guidance …

934 Manuscript Releases, vol. 15 [Nos. 1136-1185], p. 25.2 (Ellen Gould White)

… the voice of God, but hearing only the voice of man; and the hearers go to their homes with souls unnourished but empty as before, and prepared to sit in judgment …

936 Manuscript Releases, vol. 16 [Nos. 1186-1235], p. 37.2 (Ellen Gould White)

… the voice of God, and go to work for the Master to become a blessing to the world. Thousands might be at work who are not ordained to preach the gospel, but are commissioned …

937 Manuscript Releases, vol. 16 [Nos. 1186-1235], p. 136.1 (Ellen Gould White)

… the voice of God and seek to catch every ray of light from heaven, they will, like the sun, pursue an undeviating course, and they will grow in wisdom and in favor …

938 Manuscript Releases, vol. 16 [Nos. 1186-1235], p. 176.2 (Ellen Gould White)

… the voice of God. Please obtain this book if you do not have it, and read the statements therein. They are just as printed from the first article published. “The …

939 Manuscript Releases, vol. 16 [Nos. 1186-1235], p. 176.3 (Ellen Gould White)

… the voice of God. I heard the hour proclaimed, but had no remembrance of that hour after I came out of vision. Scenes of such thrilling, solemn interest passed …

940 Manuscript Releases, vol. 17 [Nos. 1236-1300], p. 167.1 (Ellen Gould White)

… the voice of God in the General Conference management and decisions. Methods and plans would be devised that God did not sanction, and yet Elder Olsen made …