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8941 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Uriah; Uruah.3

… of Yahweh (judging from the usual interpretations of his name) and had married a Hebrew wife, BATH-SHEBA (which see). David's sin with this woman occurred while …

8942 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Urim and Thummim.3

… of Yahweh, as well as with the ceremonial side of the service ( Exodus 28:30; compare Arabic kahin, "soothsayer").

8943 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Urim and Thummim.4

… consulting Yahweh after the death of Joshua in their warfare ( Judges 1:1 - 2; Judges 20:18, 26 - 28 ). The Danites in their migration ask counsel of a priest, perhaps …

8944 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Urim and Thummim.9

… ) that Yahweh did not answer Saul on certain occasions, unless indeed we surmise for the occasion the existence of a third nameless blank lot. A more serious …

8945 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Uzziah; (Azariah).6

… against Yahweh. In the great kingdoms of the East, the kings had been in the habit of exercising priestly as well as royal functions. Elated with his prosperity …

8946 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Vaheb.2

Vaheb - va'-heb (wahebh; Zoob): The name occurs in a quotation from the book of the Wars of Yahweh in Numbers 21:14. See SUPHAH. It was apparently in Amorite territory. It is not identified.

8947 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Vehement, Vehemently.2

… of Yahweh," margin "a most vehement flame, Hebrew: Yah"); and as the translation of the King James Version charishi, "silent," "still," hence "sultry" ( Jonah 4:8, the King James …

8948 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Wait.4

… for Yahweh" ( Psalms 33:20 ); "Mine eyes fail while I wait for my God" ( Psalms 69:3 ); "Wait for Yahweh, and he will save thee" ( Proverbs 20:22 ).

8950 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. War, Man of.4

Yahweh is his name" ( Exodus 15:3 ).

8951 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. War, Man of.5

In early Israel the character of Yahweh as the war-God forms a prominent feature in the conception of God ( Numbers 10:35; 21:14; Joshua 5:13; 10:11; Judges 5:4, 13, 20, 23, 31, etc.).

8952 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. War; Warfare.14

… of Yahweh, and they were reminded in their wars by the priest or priests who accompanied their armies that Yahweh was with them to fight their battles ( Deuteronomy …

8953 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. War; Warfare.15

… of Yahweh, it was taken into battle ( 1 Samuel 4:3 ). The people learned, however, by experience to put their trust in Yahweh Himself and not in any outward token of …

8954 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. War; Warfare.20

… , "for Yahweh thy God walketh in the midst of thy camp, .... therefore shall thy camp be holy" ( Deuteronomy 23:9 - 14; compare Numbers 5:1 - 4 ). Garrisons (matstsabh) were placed …

8955 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. War; Warfare.25

… of Yahweh that He makes war to cease to the end of the earth, that He breaks the bow, and cuts the spear in sunder, and "burneth the chariots in the fire" ( Psalms 46 …

8958 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Watch.5

"Watch" is also used figuratively, as in Psalms 141:3 for restraint: "Set a watch, O Yahweh, before my mouth" (shomrah).

8959 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Watercourse.2

… of Yahweh as the watercourses," the King James Version "rivers," elsewhere "streams" or "rivers." (3) yabhal, yibheley mayim, "watercourses" (English Versions of the …

8960 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Waterspout.3

"Praise Yahweh from the earth, Ye sea-monsters, and all deeps."