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8921 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Tobit, Book of.13

… ) means "Yahweh is good." The Greek name of the son is Tobias, a variant of the same Hebrew word. In the English, Welsh, etc., translations, the father and son are called …

8922 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Tongues, Confusion of.3

… how Yahweh, who in Genesis 11:5 was on earth, is now in heaven. "So Yahweh scattered them abroad from thence," and the name of the city was "called Babel (babhel); because …

8923 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Tongues, Confusion of.4

The purpose of this narrative is the explanation of the diversity of human languages. They originated through an act of Yahweh, in order to destroy the presumptuous designs of the first builders of Babylon.

8924 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Tongues, Confusion of.7

… for Yahweh's action, while "city" and "tower," "confusion of tongues" and "scattering," are complementary rather than parallel terms. The supposition that a few …

8925 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Tongues, Confusion of.11

… doing Yahweh is obliged to "come down." He is obliged to take action lest His dwelling-place be invaded (compare Genesis 3:22 ). And the "let us go down" of Genesis 11 …

8926 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Trade.28

… to Yahweh and is therefore not wrong in itself.

8927 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Trap.2

… that Yahweh your God will no more drive these nations from out of your sight; but they shall be a snare and a trap unto you" ( Joshua 23:13 ). Another such reference …

8928 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Treasure; Treasurer; Treasury.5

… of Yahweh," so also 2 Chronicles 5:1; "treasury" in Nehemiah 7:70 - 71, "gave to the treasury a thousand darics of gold"; in Job 38:22, "treasuries of the snow" (compare Proverbs …

8929 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Treasury, (of Temple).3

… of Yahweh would early be felt for the reception of the offerings of the people, of tithes, and of the spoils of war dedicated to Yahweh. Already in Joshua 6:19 …

8930 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Treasury, (of Temple).4

… of Yahweh" and "the treasures of the king's house" or palace ( 1 Kings 14:26; 15, 18; 2 Kings 12:18; 14:14; 16:8; 18:15; 24:13 ). In the episode of Jehoash's repair of the Temple …

8931 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Tribute.2

… for Yahweh on acquired spoils are mekhec, "assessment" ( Numbers 31:28, 37 - 38, 39 - 40, 41 ), belo, "excise" ( Ezra 4:13, 10; Nehemiah 7:24 ), massa', "burden" ( 2 Chronicles 17:11 ), and `onesh …

8932 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Trinity, 1.34

… of Yahweh ( Genesis 16:2 - 13; 11, 16; 11, 13; Genesis 48:15 - 16; Exodus 3:2, 4 - 5; Judges 13:20 - 22 ). The tendency of more recent authors is to appeal, not so much to specific texts …

8933 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Trinity, 1.35

… of Yahweh, as alike with Him to be served and worshipped; they conceive Yahweh as Himself at once Father, Son and Spirit. In presenting this one Yahweh as Father …

8934 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Trinity, 1.47

… of Yahweh: it was a terrible thing to `blaspheme the Name' ( Leviticus 24:11 ). All those over whom Yahweh's Name was called were His, His possession to whom He owed …

8935 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Trinity, 2.8

… of Yahweh," which meets us frequently in the Old Testament, certainly does not convey the idea there either of derivation or of subordination, but is just the …

8936 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Unchangeable; Unchangeableness.18

… name Yahweh ( Isaiah 41:4; compare also Isaiah 48:12 ), where Yahweh affirms that He is the first and, with the last, the same God, thereby asserting not merely His …

8937 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Unchangeable; Unchangeableness.19

… name Yahweh in Exodus 3:13 - 15, denoting not merely eternity but also immutability. The phrases "the Alpha and the Omega" ( Revelation 1:8; 21:6; 22:13 ); and "the first …

8938 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Uncleanness.17

… not Yahweh use this natural religious perception of men as to an intrinsic distinction between clean and unclean in training Israel to a realization of …

8939 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Uncleanness.27

… by Yahweh. There is a growing sense in Israel during this period, that all customs and all conduct of the heathen are unclean. Witness the resistance of the …

8940 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Uriah; Uruah.2

… of Yahweh" or "my light is Yahweh"; the Septuagint and the New Testament Our(e)ias, with variants; the King James Version has Urijah in 2 Kings 16:10 - 16; Nehemiah 3 …