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8881 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Tempest.2

… :30. Yahweh overwhelms His enemies as with a storm: "She shall be visited of Yahweh of hosts with thunder, and with earthquake, and great noise, with whirlwind …

8882 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Temple Keepers (Servants).2

… of Yahweh" ( Numbers 31:47; compare Numbers 31:30 ). Similarly, after the deception of Joshua by the Gibeonites, "Joshua made them that day hewers of wood and drawers …

8883 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Temple, A1.80

… of Yahweh should therefore be henceforth a permanent building, situated at the center of the nation's life, and "exceeding magnificent" ( 1 Chronicles 22:5 …

8884 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Temple, A1.97

… of Yahweh" ( 2 Kings 21:5; 2 Chronicles 33:5, time of Manasseh), suggests subsequent enlargement and division.

8885 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Temple, A1.98

… of Yahweh's house." This doubtless was "the upper gate" built by Jotham ( 2 Kings 15:35 ) and may reasonably be identified with the "gate that looketh toward the North …

8886 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Temple, A1.108

… " of Yahweh ( 1 Kings 8:10 - 11; 2 Chronicles 5:13 - 14 ).

8887 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Temple, A1.111

… with Yahweh, a suppression of the high places, and the thorough cleansing-out of abuses from the Temple ( 2 Kings 22:1 - 20; 2 Kings 23:1 - 25; 2 Chronicles 34:1 - 33; 2 Chronicles …

8888 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Temple, A2.5

… of Yahweh would be under conditions which could scarcely be thought of as ever likely literally to arise. A literal construction, one may say, was impossible …

8889 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Temple, B.15

… by Yahweh to stay the king's hand, and to inform the king that the work of building a house for Yahweh to dwell in was not to be his (the king's) task and privilege …

8890 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Temple, B.16

… him (Yahweh) incense of sweet spices, and for the continual showbread, and for the burnt-offerings morning and evening, on the sabbaths, and on the new moons, and …

8891 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Temple, B.20

… for Yahweh, and yet not have been able to carry his purpose into effect, and have been obliged to hand over its execution to his son. David, moreover, might have …

8892 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Ten Commandments, The.11

… by Yahweh ( Exodus 20:1; 34:27; Deuteronomy 5:22; 10:2 ), or as "the words of the covenant" ( Exodus 34:28 ). In the New Testament they are called "commandments" ( Matthew 19:17 …

8893 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Ten Commandments, The.12

… by Yahweh to the people whom He had but recently delivered from Egyptian bondage, and then led out into the wilderness, that He might teach them His laws. It …

8894 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Ten Commandments, The.15

… by Yahweh Himself from the top of the mount under circumstances the most awe-inspiring. In the early morning there were thunders and lightnings and a thick …

8895 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Ten Commandments, The.16

… of Yahweh was averted from Israel; and Yahweh invited Moses to ascend the mount with two new tablets, on which He would write the words that were on the first …

8896 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Ten Commandments, The.22

… than Yahweh. Moreover, if nine of the "ten words" are commandments, it would seem reasonable to make the remaining "word" a commandment, if this can be done without …

8897 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Ten Commandments, The.27

… of Yahweh thy God in vain"; "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy"; "Honor thy father and thy mother"; "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house." This early critical …

8898 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Ten Commandments, The.36

(9) The best of the first-fruits of thy ground shalt thou bring to the house of Yahweh thy God ( Exodus 34 4:2Ex 6:1-30a).

8899 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Ten Commandments, The.39

… Moses. Yahweh's requirements have always been in advance of the practice of His people.

8900 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Ten Commandments, The.40

… than Yahweh. If it be said that this precept inculcates monolatry and not monotheism, the reply is ready to hand that a consistent worship of only one God is …