Search for: "voice of god"

861 The Youth’s Instructor August 31, 1887, paragraph 1

… the voice of God bids you do and be in order to be saved.

862 The Youth’s Instructor August 31, 1887, paragraph 7

… the voice of God speaking to them in his word, have not interest sufficient to search and become acquainted with the directions God has given them, pointing …

863 The Youth’s Instructor August 31, 1887, paragraph 8

… the voice of God in his word, or to be doers of the word. This belief is like a building erected on sliding sand. It is a refuge of lies, and the storm and tempest sweep …

864 The Youth’s Instructor February 2, 1893, paragraph 7

… the voice of God in his word. They have not barricaded their souls against temptation, and determined to do their duty at all hazards. They are like one who in …

865 The Youth’s Instructor November 16, 1893, paragraph 6

… the voice of God speaking to you out of his word? The world is deluged with books which sow the seeds of skepticism, infidelity, and atheism, and to a larger or …

866 The Youth’s Instructor September 27, 1894, paragraph 3

… the voice of God proclaiming his holy law on Mount Sinai, in the hearing of the people, know his voice; and when men claiming to be led by Christ, and professing …

867 The Youth’s Instructor October 8, 1896, paragraph 7

… the voice of God through his delegated servant. Do not lose these words through inattention; if heeded, they may keep your feet from straying into wrong paths …

868 The Youth’s Instructor March 4, 1897, paragraph 2

… the voice of God. No sooner did he have an indication of God's will than he was ready to obey. He did not stop to consider whether it would be for his financial …

869 The Youth’s Instructor January 13, 1898, paragraph 1

… the voice of God to the very letter? We can never attain perfection of character if we do not hear the voice of God and obey his counsel. This instruction does …

870 The Youth’s Instructor August 11, 1898, paragraph 12

… the voice of God is heard; justice is satisfied; Satan is vanquished. “Mercy and truth have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.” The …

871 The Youth’s Instructor October 20, 1898, paragraph 1

… the voice of God to men,—children, youth, and parents would have made it not only their study, but their teacher and their guide, “that in the ages to come he might …

872 The Youth’s Instructor October 27, 1898, paragraph 6

… the voice of God speaking to them are the true learners. They tremble at the word of God; for to them it is a living reality. They study, they search for the hidden …

873 The Youth’s Instructor September 14, 1899, paragraph 1

… the voice of God. He used as object-lessons the flowers he had created and the things of the animal world. Under his teaching, nature utters her voice to declare …

874 The Youth’s Instructor February 22, 1900, paragraph 2

… the voice of God, they listened to the words of the tempter. “Hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?” Satan asked. “And the woman said unto the serpent …

875 The Youth’s Instructor June 14, 1900, paragraph 3

… , the voice of God had been heard proclaiming Christ as his Son. The third time, just before the betrayal, the Father had spoken, witnessing to his Son. But now the …

876 The Youth’s Instructor October 11, 1900, paragraph 3

… the voice of God, or the voice of the men who have taken it upon themselves to close the door against knowledge and truth? “And when they heard that, they entered …

877 The Youth’s Instructor October 11, 1900, paragraph 5

… the voice of God in the word spoken to them. This man, Gamaliel, a doctor of the law, “commanded to put the apostles forth a little space.” He well knew the elements …

878 The Youth’s Instructor December 20, 1900, paragraph 1

… the voice of God calling to him out of the bush, and he covered his face, realizing that he stood in the immediate presence of God. God was conversing with humanity …

879 The Youth’s Instructor April 11, 1901, paragraph 11

… the voice of God speaking to them through Christ that melted their hearts in terror.

880 The Youth’s Instructor June 6, 1901, paragraph 2

There was no more sleep for Abraham that night. The voice of God had spoken, and had been heard. Isaac, his only son, the son of promise, must be sacrificed.