Search for: Choice

841 The Review and Herald May 16, 1899, paragraph 13

… from choice; but if you have a word of warning, of invitation, of entreaty, do not fear to speak it. Lose no opportunity of witnessing for Christ. He is the source …

842 The Review and Herald June 6, 1899, Art. A, paragraph 11

… own choice. Go where you will, and do what you will. Instead, they will say: Listen to the instruction of the Lord. In whatever business you engage, remember that …

843 The Review and Herald July 4, 1899, paragraph 1

… their choice. Women should not have considered themselves of so little value as to unite their destiny with men who had no control over their appetites, but …

844 The Review and Herald September 19, 1899, paragraph 8

… their choice, and therefore reason that marriage sanctifies the indulgence of the baser passions. Even men and women professing godliness give loose rein …

845 The Review and Herald January 30, 1900, Art. A, paragraph 8

… same choice. The scenes of the betrayal, the rejection, and the crucifixion of Christ have been re-enacted, and will again be re-enacted on an immense scale. People …

846 The Review and Herald July 10, 1900, paragraph 12

… the choice of the children of Levi to do this fearful work; God had said that the unrepenting should be slain.

847 The Review and Herald April 16, 1901, paragraph 2

… this choice, when he ceased to co-operate with God in His plans for the universal good, he became by his own choice the leader in rebellion, and his influence …

848 The Review and Herald June 4, 1901, paragraph 13

… free choice of the wrong side. They rebel against God. Mercy is despised, and justice defied. They become spiritually palsied, not because they cannot submit …

849 The Review and Herald July 23, 1901, paragraph 15

The choice of God's people is to represent Christ in all their works, their practices, and their teaching. They are to be untouched by the perverse principles …

850 The Review and Herald August 6, 1901, paragraph 1

… silver, choice fabrics, and valuable wood. The rulers brought precious stones, costly spices, and oil for the lights. “And all the women that were wise hearted …

851 The Review and Herald October 8, 1901, paragraph 8

… their choice. They would not submit to God's way, so He permitted them to have their own way, to carry out the purposes of their unsanctified hearts.

852 The Review and Herald February 18, 1902, paragraph 5

… . The choice was left with him; he must decide for himself. Did he accept the eternal treasure, or did he decide to gratify his desire for earthly treasure, and …

853 The Review and Herald February 18, 1902, paragraph 7

… the choice of the young ruler. They have intelligence, but they cannot decide to be honest stewards of their Lord's goods. Many say, “I will bless and glorify …

854 The Review and Herald February 18, 1902, paragraph 8

… his choice, were presented by the prince of this world. The opposite side was presented by the Prince of light, the world's Redeemer. He held out the recompense …

855 The Review and Herald February 18, 1902, paragraph 9

… his choice,—obedience to God, with the eternal recompense of reward, or obedience to that most agreeable to his own will? “By faith Moses, when he was come to years …

856 The Review and Herald April 22, 1902, paragraph 1

… silver, choice fabrics, and valuable wood. The rulers brought precious stones, costly spices, and oil for the lights. “And all the women that were wise-hearted …

857 The Review and Herald June 10, 1902, Art. A, paragraph 2

… their choice of the blessing to be bestowed, they would have asked for some inferior good. But the Lord took the matter into his own hands, and promised his Spirit …

858 The Review and Herald August 20, 1903

What Choice Shall We Make?

859 The Review and Herald August 20, 1903, paragraph 16

… Satan's choice, and today his work and his kingdom testify to the character of his choice. The crime and misery that fill our world, the horrible murders that …

860 The Review and Herald November 12, 1903, paragraph 31

… his choice. By his intercession he stayed the arm of vengeance, that a full end might not be made of disobedient, rebellious Israel.