Search for: trinity

821 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 214.7 (General Conference of SDA)

… a Trinity, composed of a Father, Mother, and Son, the various attributes of whom were personified and worshiped under different titles, and known under different …

822 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 220.1 (General Conference of SDA)

… invisible Trinity, the honor and ornament of the Holy Virgin, the mother of God, for the exaltation of the Catholic faith and the increase of the Christian …

823 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 265.3 (General Conference of SDA)

… blessed Trinity, and blessed sacrament, which I now am to receive, to perform, and on my part to keep inviolably. And do call all the heavenly and glorious host …

824 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 356.3 (General Conference of SDA)

… . Bury, Trinity College, Dublin, Vol. I, pp. 351-353. Cambridge: Macmillan & Co., 1889.

825 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 478.1 (General Conference of SDA)

… the Trinity and for Christology. With the exception of Augustine, none of the Fathers gave more than passing attention to the definition and doctrine of …

826 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 486.2 (General Conference of SDA)

… holy Trinity and befriended the seditious Libertines. But men ought to cease to make a mockery of historic fact by blaming this terrible deed solely and …

827 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 523.5 (General Conference of SDA)

… whole Trinity manifests itself. There begins, with the seventieth week of Daniel, the preaching of Jesus Christ. This last week was the most important and …

828 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 604.6 (General Conference of SDA)

Edgar, Rev. R. M’Cheyne, a Scotch clergyman and educator, from 1885 to 1900, instructor of the class of senior freshmen, Trinity College, Dublin, in the history of the Reformation.—Protestantism, 398.

829 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 612.9 (General Conference of SDA)

… of Trinity College, Cambridge.—Advent, Second, 11; Antichrist, 35; Easter, 147; Papal Supremacy, 356, 358, 363, 364, 365; Revelation, 419, 420, 422; Rome, 435; Seven Churches …

830 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 612.24 (General Conference of SDA)

… at Trinity College; author of numerous able works.—Papal Supremacy, 364; Seven Trumpets, 517.

831 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 615.14 (General Conference of SDA)

… at Trinity College, Dublin, 1889-1904, and subsequently employed in government service. He has published many volumes covering a wide range of subjects, most …

832 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 621.34 (General Conference of SDA)

… from Trinity College, Oxford, at the age of nineteen, Mr. Newman became in due time a clergyman of the Established Church of England. For a time he held a middle …

833 In Defense of the Faith, p. 14.2 (William Henry Branson)

… , or Trinity, consists of the Eternal Father, a personal, spiritual Being, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, infinite in wisdom and love; the Lord Jesus Christ …

835 In Defense of the Faith, p. 370.1 (William Henry Branson)

… the Trinity.” Had Mr. Canright said that when he was among them there were some Seventh day Adventists who did not believe the doctrine of the Trinity, it might …

836 In Defense of the Faith, p. 370.2 (William Henry Branson)

… the Trinity, the law of God, God’s holy Sabbath, etc.? All Seventh day Adventists will agree in these things.”

837 In Defense of the Faith, p. 370.3 (William Henry Branson)

… the Trinity very definitely, and for almost as many years it has appeared incidentally in some of our denominational books. For example, we quote this from …

838 In Defense of the Faith, p. 371.1 (William Henry Branson)

In the statement of belief found in the’ Seventh-day Adventist Church Manual, which sets forth the official discipline and doctrinal position of the denomination, is found this statement on the subject of the Trinity:

839 In Defense of the Faith, p. 371.2 (William Henry Branson)

… , or Trinity, consists of the Eternal Father, a personal spiritual Being, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, infinite in wisdom and love; the Lord Jesus Christ …

840 In Defense of the Faith, p. 371.3 (William Henry Branson)

… the Trinity cannot be justly charged against Seventh-day Adventists as a body, and never could, for in their earlier history the issue was not raised, and when …