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821 The Signs of the Times April 11, 1892, paragraph 7

… the voice of God speaks to the heart, and the heart responds to it, we shall hear the inquiry, “Sir, I would see Jesus.” Heaven is all ready to receive those who would …

822 The Signs of the Times April 18, 1892, paragraph 5

… the voice of God was heard saying, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

823 The Signs of the Times April 18, 1892, paragraph 6

The voice of God was heard in answer to the petition of Christ, and this tells the sinner that his prayer will find a lodgment at the throne of the Father. The …

824 The Signs of the Times December 25, 1893, paragraph 1

… the voice of God. We cannot spiritually discern the character of God, or accept of Jesus Christ by faith, unless our life and character are marked by purity …

826 The Signs of the Times September 3, 1894, paragraph 4

… the voice of God. I have the witness in myself that the word of God is true, and that Jesus Christ is the divine Son of God. I am following no cunningly devised fable …

827 The Signs of the Times September 10, 1894, paragraph 3

… the voice of God saying to them, “Take this child and train it for me.” This work of training is to be continued through babyhood, childhood, and youth. Those who …

828 The Signs of the Times October 8, 1894, paragraph 9

… the voice of God. Let those who would serve God remember that it is written, “Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of …

829 The Signs of the Times January 24, 1895, paragraph 1

… the voice of God, as Christ bade Moses and Aaron draw near to the cloudy pillar in which he was enshrouded, and the Lord talked with his servants. They were assured …

830 The Signs of the Times February 28, 1895, paragraph 2

… the voice of God in his word. Why need those who claim they have had special manifestations of the Spirit, and the witness that their sins are all forgiven, conclude …

831 The Signs of the Times March 21, 1895, paragraph 6

… the voice of God speaking out of the midst of the fire, as thou hast heard, and live?”

832 The Signs of the Times July 4, 1895, paragraph 3

… the voice of God proclaiming his holy law on Mount Sinai, in the hearing of the people, know his voice, and when men claiming to be led by Christ, and professing …

833 The Signs of the Times September 5, 1895, paragraph 6

… the voice of God instructing you, and saying, “This is the way, walk ye in it.” Christ prayed, “Sanctify them through thy truth, thy word is truth.”

834 The Signs of the Times January 9, 1896, paragraph 8

… the voice of God, as did Abel, receive from the hands of the disobedient, treatment similar to that which Abel met with from the hands of Cain. John says, “Marvel …

835 The Signs of the Times August 27, 1896, paragraph 8

… the voice of God. Here rest is found in him. The peace, the joy, the life of the soul is God.

836 The Signs of the Times July 29, 1897, paragraph 3

… the voice of God amid the smoke and the fire, the thunderings and the lightnings, and the noise of a trumpet, they moved afar off from the mount, and said unto Moses …

837 The Signs of the Times January 20, 1898, paragraph 11

… the voice of God, these spiritual impressions become more and more frequent, and extend from one to another till the leaven seems to go through the whole church …

838 The Signs of the Times March 10, 1898, paragraph 6

… the voice of God, and will be obeyed.

839 The Signs of the Times May 10, 1899, paragraph 6

… the voice of God, and the world would have been lost.

840 The Signs of the Times May 10, 1899, paragraph 14

… . The voice of God was heard, calling Christ from His prison-house. The Roman guard saw heavenly angels falling in reverence before Him whom they had crucified …