Search for: James White

8101 The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2, p. 678.3 (LeRoy Edwin Froom)

… .” 25) James White, Ellen G. White, Life Sketches, pp. 171, 172.

8102 The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2, p. 678.4 (LeRoy Edwin Froom)

… to James White in 1846, she became one of the most prolific and forceful writers in the denomination, and dealt constantly with Conditionalism, from every …

8103 The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2, p. 688.3 (LeRoy Edwin Froom)

… joined James White, John Andrews, and others in a critical study of Bible doctrine in an endeavor to formulate and place the views of Seventh-day Adventists …

8104 The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2, p. 707.1 (LeRoy Edwin Froom)

Ellen Harmon married James White in 1846, and in 1848 participated in a series of six important Bible conferences in New England and New York, at which time the coordinated doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist Church were established.

8105 The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2, p. 708.5 (LeRoy Edwin Froom)

… Gould White was a woman of extraordinary endowments. Even by the time of her husband’s death in 1881, she was already lauded in the Lansing [Michigan] Republican …

8106 The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2, p. 741 (LeRoy Edwin Froom)

… 671 White, James 1874-81 U.S. Chr. Con.—S.D.A. Ed. & pub. (Pres. Truth) Man wholly mortal Unconscious in death Total destruction 36 675 Bates, Joseph 1874 U.S. Chr. Con.—S.D.A …

8107 The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2, p. 1302.15 (LeRoy Edwin Froom)

White, James, and Ellen G. Life Sketches. Ancestry, Early Life, Christian Experience, and Extensive Labors, of Elder James White, and His Wife, Mrs. Ellen G. White. Battle Creek, Michigan: Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Assn., 1880. See p. 678.

8108 The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2, p. 1302.16 (LeRoy Edwin Froom)

White, James, Joseph Bates, and Mrs. E. G. White. A Word to the “Little Flock.” With notes by E. S. Ballenger. Riverside, California: E. S. Ballenger. See pp. 673, 674.

8109 The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2, p. 1307.19 (LeRoy Edwin Froom)

White, James, Joseph Bates, and Mrs. E. G. White. A Word to the “Little Flock,” with notes by E. S. Ballenger. Riverside, Calif.: E. S. Ballenger. See pp. 673, 674.

8110 The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2, p. 1321 (LeRoy Edwin Froom)

… III. James White—Organizational Leader Committed to Conditionalism 671 1. Word to the “Little Flock” Clearly Conditionalist 673 IV. Bates—With Conditionalist …

8111 The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2, p. 1322 (LeRoy Edwin Froom)

… Wharton James 708 5. Ten Basic Principles Characterize E. G. White Writings 709 III. Amazing Time Span, Sheer Output, and Range of Subjects 710 1. Mere Pagination …

8112 The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 3, p. 498.2 (LeRoy Edwin Froom)

… house, James Stratton, and Thomas White-all ministers-to become members of such a prophetic study group. Then the thought occurred to him that if God really …

8113 The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 3, p. 726.1 (LeRoy Edwin Froom)

… Irving, James Stratton, Thomas White, and others. Then the story of the Reformation Society in 1827 is told, with such men as C. S. Hawtrey, Lewis Way, and Edward Irving …

8114 The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4, p. 8 (LeRoy Edwin Froom)


8115 The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4, p. 455.2 (LeRoy Edwin Froom)

… -Judge James Witherill, Congressman Matthew Lyon, and Alexander Cruikshanks of White-Hall, formerly of Scotland—offered him free access to their excellent …

8116 The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4, p. 501.4 (LeRoy Edwin Froom)

… , James Ten Brooke, Panton, Vt. N.Y. Edward Mitchell, Canada. Samuel B. Ryder, Jr., Canada. S. C. Dillaway, West Granville, N.Y. Wakeman G. Johnson, Whiting, Vt. B. Carpenter …

8117 The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4, p. 702.1 (LeRoy Edwin Froom)

… , and James White of Maine. Of the BAPTISTS, William Miller, Elon Galusha, N. N. Whiting, Calvin French, and T. M. Preble. Of the METHODISTS, Josiah Litch, Apollos Hale …

8118 The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4, p. 734.1 (LeRoy Edwin Froom)

… . 96. James White in Present Truth, April, 1850, p. 65.

8119 The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4, p. 811.2 (LeRoy Edwin Froom)

… time.” James White, Life Incidents, pp. 159, 160; cf. John O. Corliss, in Review and Herald, Aug. 16, 1923, p. 7; see also A. W. Spalding, Captains of the Host, p. 87.

8120 The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4, p. 811.4 (LeRoy Edwin Froom)

… him.’ James White, Life Incidents, p. 160.