Search for: "voice of god"

781 The Signs of the Times February 21, 1878, paragraph 7

… the voice of God, as he proclaimed his law from Sinai, and God had selected them, and claimed them as his people; but they had not made the most of their opportunities …

782 The Signs of the Times March 7, 1878, paragraph 20

… the voice of God in hearing of all the people, and engraven on the two tables of stone, were given for the benefit of all mankind, and were to endure through all …

783 The Signs of the Times April 17, 1879, paragraph 8

… , the voice of God was heard, saying, “I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac. And behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither …

784 The Signs of the Times December 11, 1879, paragraph 15

… terrible voice of God, lest they could not live.

785 The Signs of the Times February 26, 1880, Art. A, paragraph 2

… the voice of God. It was He who, as the angel of the covenant, had revealed himself to the fathers in ages past. The frame of Moses quivered, he was thrilled with …

786 The Signs of the Times March 18, 1880, paragraph 4

… the voice of God, and to ever stand on the side of truth and righteousness. Pharaoh now humbled himself and said, “I have sinned, the Lord is righteous, and I and …

787 The Signs of the Times April 1, 1880, Art. A, paragraph 25

… the voice of God speaks clearly above all discouragements, “Go forward!” We should obey this command, let the result be what it may, even though our eyes cannot …

788 The Signs of the Times September 2, 1880, paragraph 8

… the voice of God and man, they had no leader, but rushed impetuously away from the warning voice of Moses. On they pushed in confusion. No prayer was offered now …

789 The Signs of the Times March 10, 1881, paragraph 2

… the voice of God, and witnessed his power, and were made to feel the sacred character of his holy law; but they had not kept that law, and for their transgressions …

790 The Signs of the Times July 14, 1881, paragraph 4

… the voice of God speaking to him through the words of these Midianitish strangers. His faith and courage were greatly strengthened, and he rejoiced that …

791 The Signs of the Times December 15, 1881, paragraph 3

… the voice of God. What feelings must have stirred the heart of the high priest at that hour! God had passed by his chosen servant, the man of hoary hairs, to commune …

792 The Signs of the Times January 12, 1882, Art. A, paragraph 12

… the voice of God in his created works, and in the warnings, counsels, and reproofs of his word, and he spoke to them through judgments. They rejected mercy, and …

793 The Signs of the Times May 25, 1882, Art. A, paragraph 17

… the voice of God? Did I not bid you search the Scriptures, that you might not go astray? You have not only ruined your own souls, but by your pretensions to godliness …

794 The Signs of the Times May 25, 1882, paragraph 26

… the voice of God calling to judgment?

795 The Signs of the Times December 7, 1882, paragraph 10

… warning voice of God. They will not flee to the only refuge from the gathering storm.

796 The Signs of the Times January 11, 1883, paragraph 8

… the voice of God speaking to their hearts, they would have given evidence of the fact, by bringing forth fruits meet for repentance. No such fruit was seen. They …

797 The Signs of the Times April 5, 1883, Art. A, paragraph 7

… the voice of God addressing his Son, was like a death-knell to Satan. He feared that God was now to unite man more fully to himself, and give power to overcome his …

798 The Signs of the Times June 7, 1883, paragraph 15

… the voice of God speaking to them from Heaven. With great earnestness he urged upon them the importance of gaining for themselves a knowledge of the sacred …

799 The Signs of the Times June 14, 1883, paragraph 17

… the voice of God. They felt that the Lord had graciously set his hand to arrest the rapidly swelling tide of corruption that was issuing from the see of Rome …

800 The Signs of the Times October 25, 1883, paragraph 27

… the voice of God; consequently they went to great extremes. “Jesus,” said they, “commanded his followers to be as little children;” therefore they would dance through …