Search for: pontifex

61 The Present Truth, vol. 13 July 8, 1897, page 421 paragraph 11

… as Pontifex Maximus; and it caused no surprise that he should do this.

62 The Present Truth, vol. 13 August 26, 1897, page 534 paragraph 7

… of Pontifex Maximus, which had been borne by every one of his predecessors; and had also commanded that the statue and altar of Victory should be thrown down …

63 Sunday Legislation, p. 7.2 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

… as pontifex maximus, and not as Emperor, that the day was set apart to the uses signified; because it was the sole prerogative of the pontifex maximus to appoint …

64 Sunday Legislation, p. 8.1 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

… AS PONTIFEX MAXIMUS, and it caused no surprise that he should do this.”—“ History of Rome ,” Chap. CII, Part I, par. 4 from end .

65 Sunday Legislation, p. 28.1 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

… as pontifex maximus —the head of religion, that Constantine decreed Sunday to be a sacred day and established its observance; and this under the inspiration …

66 The Topeka Daily Capital, vol. 11 May 22, 1889, page 3 paragraph 48

… title Pontifex Maximus of the Christians and the pagan title also that in his dual capacity he might please all his subjects. A high authority asserts that …

67 The Two Republics, or Rome and the United States of America, p. 4 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

… of Pontifex Maximus—Council of Nice against the Jews—Sabbath-keepers accursed from Christ—All exemption abolished—The church obtains the monopoly—Origin …

68 The Two Republics, or Rome and the United States of America, p. 44.1 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

… of Pontifex Maximus, which became vacant just at this time. This was the greatest honor that could come to a Roman citizen. The office was for life, and until …

69 The Two Republics, or Rome and the United States of America, p. 67.3 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

… of Pontifex Maximus made vacant by the murder of Caesar, and the alliance was completed by Antony’s daughter being given in marriage to the son of Lepidus …

70 The Two Republics, or Rome and the United States of America, p. 81.2 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

… , censor, Pontifex Maximus—with all the titles and dignities which had been given by the Senate to him, as before to Caesar. In short, he himself became virtually …

71 The Two Republics, or Rome and the United States of America, p. 249.3 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

… of Pontifex Maximus. And when some pagans of Africa brought to him the head of Maxentius, he granted as a reward that the province of Africa should be permitted …

72 The Two Republics, or Rome and the United States of America

… of Pontifex Maximus—Council of Nice against the Jews—Sabbath-keepers accursed from Christ—All exemption abolished—The church obtains the monopoly—Origin …

73 The Two Republics, or Rome and the United States of America, p. 317.5 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

… as Pontifex Maximus, and not as emperor, that the day was set apart to this use; because it was the sole prerogative of the Pontifex Maximus to appoint holy days …

74 The Two Republics, or Rome and the United States of America, p. 318.6 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

… the Pontifex Maximus, and as it is plainly stated that there is no such proof, this plainly proves that the authority for the appointment of the day lay in the …

75 The Two Republics, or Rome and the United States of America, p. 318.8 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

… AS PONTIFEX MAXIMUS; and it caused no surprise that he should do this.”— Duruy. [Page 319] “History of Rome,” chap. cii, part i, par. 4 from the end.

76 The Two Republics, or Rome and the United States of America, p. 401.2 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

… of Pontifex Maximus, which had been borne by every one of his predecessors; and had also commanded that the statue and altar of Victory should be thrown down …

77 The Two Republics, or Rome and the United States of America, p. 810.3 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

… for Pontifex Maximus, and is the first step toward the creation in permanency, of that pagan office, only to be merged at last in the papal from.

78 The Seven Heads of Revelation 12, 13, and 17, p. 9.2 (Uriah Smith)

… was pontifex maximus, because he was emperor. He held his religious office because of his civil office. But here the popes assumed civil authority, because …

79 The Seven Heads of Revelation 12, 13, and 17, p. 39.1 (Uriah Smith)

… , Caesares, Pontifex” (the pope). This writer, it will be seen, drops out the little head to follow the imperial, and calls the last, the seventh, which is the papacy …

80 Fathers of the Catholic Church, p. 322.1 (Ellet Joseph Waggoner)

… of Pontifex Maximus; and when the triumphal arch was reared commemorative of his victory, he was careful to place thereon the statues of the old gods, as well …