Search for: meritorious

62 History of the Reformation, vol. 3, p. 337.6 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… no meritorious work; the free grace of God, which he receives by faith in Christ, alone saves him.” Such was the doctrine proclaimed in Christendom.

63 History of the Reformation, vol. 3, p. 469.10 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… of meritorious works, human tradition, and false unity; and this is the sum of Roman-catholicism.

64 History of the Reformation, vol. 3, p. 480.2 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… against meritorious works, and resting all the weight of salvation on faith alone, I am no longer astonished that thousands of men, seduced by these doctrines …

65 History of the Reformation, vol. 3, p. 484.1 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… of meritorious works! What a hellish error! what a deceitful snare of the devil! Let us oppose it with all our might!”

66 History of the Reformation, vol. 4, p. 558.5 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… more meritorious work in killing a Lutheran than in slaying a Turk.”

67 History of the Reformation, vol. 4, p. 576.8 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… are meritorious, and that they justify in union with faith. They upheld the seven sacraments, the mass, transubstantiation, the withdrawal of the cup, the celibacy …

68 History of the Reformation, vol. 4, p. 584.7 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… the meritorious influence of works: all their system in reality was based on that. Eck therefore haughtily declared war on the assertion that faith alone …

69 History of the Reformation, vol. 4, p. 584.11 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

“Certainly,” resumed the Romish theologians: “it is only of works performed with grace that we speak; but we say that in such works there is something meritorious.” The Protestants declared they could not grant it.

70 History of the Reformation, vol. 4, p. 588.2 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… something meritorious in every good work; the third, the utility of private masses. “Ah!” quickly replied Campeggio to Charles the Fifth, “I would rather be cut …

71 History of the Reformation, vol. 4, p. 639.1 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… , indulgences, meritorious works, and intercession of the saints, were looked at by the Glaronais as mere follies and fables, they still believed with Tschudi …

72 History of the Reformation, vol. 5, p. iii.6 (Jean-Henri Merle D'aubigné)

… the meritorious works of men. It sets thereon Jesus Christ, the great High-priest of his people, the God-man, who, by an act of his free love, bore in our stead, in his …

73 The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah—Book III, p. 84.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… a meritorious work of charity. The Teraqlin, from which the other side-rooms opened (Jer. Rosh haSh. 59 b; Yoma 15 b ). From Baba B. vi. 4 we learn, that such an apartment …

74 The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah—Book III, p. 188.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… specially meritorious in running with quick steps, and crowding into the Synagogue. For, was it not to carry out the spirit of Hosea 6:3; 11:10 —at least, as Rabbinically …

75 The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah—Book III, p. 261.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… as meritorious as if one had restored the Temple and Altar, and offered all sacrifices. One hour of penitence and good works outweighed the whole world to …

76 The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah—Book III, p. 264.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… and meritorious confession, which not only owns sin but God, and is therefore an inward return to Him. So Adam, when he saw the penitence of Cain, burst into this …

77 The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah—Book III, p. 265.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… is meritorious in a threefold sense: as the expression of humiliation, as an offering to God, similar to, but better than the fat of sacrifices on the altar, and …

78 The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah—Book III, p. 330.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… any meritorious part in her forgiveness, or whether, as afterwards stated, her faith had saved her. Undoubtedly, her faith had saved her. What she had heard from …

79 The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah—Book IV, p. 235.3 (Alfred Edersheim)

… own meritorious deeds by which he was separated from them. Thus, his words expressed what his attitude indicated; and both were the expression, not of thankfulness …

80 The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah—Book V, p. 189.2 (Alfred Edersheim)

… as meritorious as that of Phinehas. It was a sorrow, and yet also a comfort, to know that this spirit of enmity arose from ignorance of the Father and Christ. Although …