Search for: "new light"

761 Parable of the Ten Virgins, p. 6.2 (Uriah Smith)

… discovered new light - some on the prophetic periods, others on the types of the former dispensation, all of which threw light at once on their position. The …

762 Sabbaton, p. 5.7 (Uriah Smith)

… of new light. There are many now claiming that the first day of the week is called the Sabbath in Matthew 28:1, who doubtless learned for the first time that sabbatone …

763 The Sanctuary and the Twenty-three Hundred Days of Daniel 8:14, p. 107.1 (Uriah Smith)

… no new light respecting the connection between the seventy weeks and 2300 days. The only argument against their connection is, the passing of the time. Why …

764 The Seven Heads of Revelation 12, 13, and 17, p. 35.1 (Uriah Smith)

… into new light, and are walking in the light, new light ought not to reveal the past as darkness, and oblige us to tear up and throw away positions which have been …

765 Seventh-day Adventists and Their Work, p. 6.2 (Uriah Smith)

… elicited new light, which they followed. On the other hand, First-day Adventists still clung to their views of the subject of the sanctuary, and went to work …

766 The Visions of Mrs. E.G. White, p. 54.1 (Uriah Smith)

… the new light that came forth at that time upon the Sabbath question as connected with prophecy. But the objector, by making the Sabbath a test in the same sense …

767 Fathers of the Catholic Church, p. 234.1 (Ellet Joseph Waggoner)

… the “new light” that has dawned upon this century, remember that they are simply adopting the views of the semi-pagan Origen. Not only does he deny the truth of …

768 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 1 March 5, 1897, page 273 paragraph 8

… , some new light. He tells you about it, and says, What do you think about this. He does not mean, of course, to ask your advice, but only to get your assent to his theory …

769 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 5 March 30, 1903, page 71 paragraph 1

… whenever new light came forth from the Word of God, they stood upon it, and that is why they had the power.

770 The Medical Missionary, vol. 14 May 1905, page 130

New Light and New Sight” The Medical Missionary 14, 5.

771 The Medical Missionary, vol. 14 May 1905, page 130 paragraph 3

… about “new light.” Some people are said to have, or claim to have, new light; and the question whether or not “new light” should be accepted is discussed with great …

772 The Present Truth, vol. 10 July 12, 1894, page 436 paragraph 8

… times new light will flash from them, and through them from other scriptures as you read.

773 The Present Truth, vol. 10 October 11, 1894, page 641 paragraph 4

… that new light ever and anon breaks forth.

774 The Present Truth, vol. 12 February 20, 1896, page 113

“‘The New Light’” The Present Truth, 12, 8.

776 The Present Truth, vol. 12 February 20, 1896, page 113 paragraph 6

… -called “new light” is not new at all, but has only newly come to the knowledge of man. It has been from the beginning. Remember also that God “is in the light,” and that …

777 The Present Truth, vol. 12 February 20, 1896, page 113 paragraph 9

… this new light will reveal the leaden bullet embedded in the flesh. If the soul loves the light, he becomes “light in the Lord” ( Ephesians 5:8 ), and so he “cometh to …

778 The Present Truth, vol. 13 May 13, 1897, page 289 paragraph 6

… the new light suddenly dawned upon his vision.

779 The Signs of the Times, vol. 9 June 7, 1883, page 257 paragraph 10

… the new light that he had received, and, like the other disciples, he must have preached the word to those whom he met. And thus the Ethiopians heard the truth …

780 The Signs of the Times, vol. 10 July 31, 1884, page 454 paragraph 31

… the new light, and refused to yield abject obedience to the commands of the pope of Rome, the persecution was gradually diminished, until about the middle …