Search for: "new light"

741 The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress, p. 302.2 (John Norton Loughborough)

… give new light, but to impress vividly upon the heart the truths of inspiration already revealed.... Additional truth is not brought out, but God has, through …

742 The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress, p. 530.4 (John Norton Loughborough)

… “getting new light every day,” “She knew there was no more mercy for sinners, so they made no effort to reach anybody else. That was what she meant by next to impossible …

743 The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress, p. 556.1 (John Norton Loughborough)

… this new light. So they quietly held the former view, and began to organize churches. They even sent a delegation to England to take part in a “World’s Alliance …

744 Heavenly Visions, p. 18.8 (John Norton Loughborough)

… some new light or some new revelation, whose tendency is to unsettle faith in the old landmarks.”- Page 51 .

745 Heavenly Visions, p. 38.8 (John Norton Loughborough)

… give new light, but to impress vividly upon the heart the truths of inspiration already revealed..... Additional truth is not brought out, but God has through …

746 Heavenly Visions, p. 48.10 (John Norton Loughborough)

… , or new light, along the way. There are so many “cups of cold water.” And he who gives these as he journeys on “shall in no wise lose his reward.”- Selected.

747 Heavenly Visions, p. 59.7 (John Norton Loughborough)

… give new light, but to impress vividly upon the heart the truths of inspiration already revealed....Additional truth is not brought out, but God has through …

748 Heavenly Visions, p. 105.4 (John Norton Loughborough)

… a new light on their path, the light of the Sabbath truth. As a group they held fast, and walked step by step in the way of the advancing light of the gospel message …

749 Heavenly Visions, p. 108.2 (John Norton Loughborough)

The visit had revealed to him that the seventh day is the true Sabbath, and his enthusiasm let him to the desire to write a book about this new light, to share the good news with the world.

750 Heavenly Visions, p. 120.1 (John Norton Loughborough)

… give new light, but to impress vividly upon the heart the truth of inspiration already revealed.”- Testimonies for the Church 5:665 .

751 Miracles in My Life, p. 20.1 (John Norton Loughborough)

… the new light, for I knew I must be well prepared to defend my position. At each place I told them I would come no more.

752 Questions on the Sealing Message, p. 3.3 (John Norton Loughborough)

… the “new light” theory found its advocate in one who afterwards apostatized from the faith, and died without seeing the fulfillment of his expectation that …

753 Questions on the Sealing Message, p. 4.1 (John Norton Loughborough)

… this “new light” is produced by taking words out of their connection, and away from the things of which they are spoken, and giving them a general application …

754 The Two-Horned Beast of Rev. XIII, a Symbol of the United States, p. 33.2 (John Norton Loughborough)

… the new light of that day with his wife, and determines to strike for liberty. He views the dangers on the way, but concludes that liberty is sweeter than life …

755 The Divine-Human Family, p. 3.2 (William Warren Prescott)

… . This “new” light was to impact every believer, their home lives, the ministries of the church in which they worked, and all of their witness to the world. The following …

756 Sabbath School Lessons July 1896, page 10 paragraph 2

… , a new light was shed upon the Saviour’s mission.”

757 Sabbath School Lessons January 1897, page 32 paragraph 8

… sheds new light on the divine character.” “We shall never have any proper conception of what true dignity is until we understand that love is upon the throne …

758 The Signs of the Times, vol. 57 February 25, 1930, page 14 paragraph 5

… the new light which they threw upon the first century, and in the multitude of ancient classics they had revealed, and in the Christian fragments of the first …

759 The Signs of the Times, vol. 57 March 4, 1930, page 11

New Light on New Testament Words

760 In Memoriam [White], p. 49.2 (Uriah Smith)

… a new light. A prominent man, in conversing with me of our extensive travels, with no serious accident, once remarked, ‘Eld. White, yours seems to be a charmed life …