Search for: trinity

681 The Atonement, p. 170.2 (Joseph Harvey Waggoner)

… a trinity, in that the “Branch’ which is raised up unto David shall be called Jehovah. Clarke, in his commentary, gives the following rendering of this text, from …

682 The Atonement, p. 173.1 (Joseph Harvey Waggoner)

… a trinity. The Scriptures abundantly teach the pre-existence of Christ and his divinity; but they are entirely silent in regard to a trinity. The declaration …

683 The Atonement, p. 176.5 (Joseph Harvey Waggoner)

… the trinity lies at the foundation of these errors on the part of these able authors. The Bible is not, and should not be made, responsible for such inconsistencies …

684 From Eden to Eden, p. 115.2 (Joseph Harvey Waggoner)

… the Trinity were inseparable. That church was the chief support of what was then called the orthodox faith, while the Goths were held to be heretics.

685 From Eden to Eden, p. 138.2 (Joseph Harvey Waggoner)

… the Trinity suffered in the flesh,” was the subject of contention between Justinian and the monks of the East. That expression, though perfectly orthodox …

686 From Eden to Eden, p. 138.3 (Joseph Harvey Waggoner)

… the Trinity suffered in the nesh,’ he dispatched two bishops with it to Rome, Hypatius of Ephesus, and Demetrius of Philippi. At the same time he wrote a very obliging …

687 From Eden to Eden, p. 249.2 (Joseph Harvey Waggoner)

… the Trinity, then it is evident there could be no Trinity, as he would be but one person with two names. It appears evident that this prophecy has no reference …

688 The Spirit of God, p. 41.5 (Joseph Harvey Waggoner)

… a “trinity in unity” are not very exalted. It must be evident to every thoughtful observer that, either there is no very close union between the Father and the …

689 Thoughts on Baptism, p. 140.3 (Joseph Harvey Waggoner)

… the Trinity, but to immerse once only into the death of Christ.’”

690 Thoughts on Baptism, p. 141.1 (Joseph Harvey Waggoner)

… the Trinity ran very high, and we shall show that respect for the doctrine of the Trinity was one ground of advocating trine immersion. We shall refer to this …

692 Thoughts on Baptism, p. 155.6 (Joseph Harvey Waggoner)

… the Trinity of baptism, as our Lord says, ‘Go ye and baptize the nations in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.’ Since, then, we manifestly know …

693 Thoughts on Baptism, p. 156.1 (Joseph Harvey Waggoner)

… “the Trinity of baptism,” is, by those who use his testimony to uphold a tradition, called “baptism, and the trine immersion,” etc. The difference is material, there …

694 Thoughts on Baptism, p. 156.2 (Joseph Harvey Waggoner)

… “the Trinity of baptism”? He explains this himself; we, says he, baptize in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Spirit, while heretics have neither Father …

695 Thoughts on Baptism, p. 158.2 (Joseph Harvey Waggoner)

… -eternal Trinity, speak of a Trinity which they represent as having been created, or as consisting of diverse natures.”

696 Thoughts on Baptism, p. 167.2 (Joseph Harvey Waggoner)

… the Trinity; by whom they were adopted as sons upon their renouncing Satan.”— Book 11, chap. 7, § 3 and 5. Section 4 says, “It was accompanied with some other ceremonies …

697 Thoughts on Baptism, p. 175.2 (Joseph Harvey Waggoner)

“Two reasons are commonly assigned for this practice: 1. That it might represent Christ’s three days’ burial.... 2. Another reason was that it might represent their faith in the holy Trinity.”

698 Thoughts on Baptism, p. 179.2 (Joseph Harvey Waggoner)

… the Trinity, must agree in this, that very much which was then written on the subject was an interminable jargon, a bitter contention over words to no profit …

699 Thoughts on Baptism, p. 180.3 (Joseph Harvey Waggoner)

… the Trinity into Tritheism, and, instead of three divine persons under the economy of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, brought in three collateral, co-ordinate …

700 Thoughts on Baptism, p. 181.1 (Joseph Harvey Waggoner)

… -eternal Trinity”? The truth is that we find the same idea which is here described by Bingham running through much of the orthodox literature of the second …