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6861 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 19

“Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth.” BATTLE CREEK, MICH., THIRD-DAY, JAN. 14, 1861. JAMES WHITE, EDITOR

6864 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 19 January 21, 1862, page 57 paragraph 1

TERMS.-Two Dollars a year, in advance. One Dollar to the poor and to those who subscribe one year on trial. Free to those unable to pay half price. Address ELDER JAMES WHITE, Battle Creek, Michigan.

6865 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 19

“Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth.” BATTLE CREEK, MICH., THIRD-DAY, JAN. 21, 1862. JAMES WHITE, EDITOR

6868 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 19 January 28, 1862, page 65 paragraph 1

TERMS.-Two Dollars a year, in advance. One Dollar to the poor and to those who subscribe one year on trial. Free to those unable to pay half price. Address ELDER JAMES WHITE, Battle Creek, Michigan.

6869 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 19

“Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth.” BATTLE CREEK, MICH. THIRD-DAY, JAN. 28, 1862. JAMES WHITE, EDITOR

6872 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 19 February 4, 1862, page 73 paragraph 1

TERMS.-Two Dollars a year, in advance. One Dollar to the poor and to those who subscribe one year on trial. Free to those unable to pay half price. Address ELDER JAMES WHITE, Battle Creek, Michigan.

6873 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 19

“Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth.” BATTLE CREEK, MICH. THIRD-DAY, FEB. 4, 1862. JAMES WHITE, EDITOR

6876 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 19 February 11, 1862, page 81 paragraph 1

TERMS.-Two Dollars a year, in advance. One Dollar to the poor and to those who subscribe one year on trial. Free to those unable to pay half price. Address ELDER JAMES WHITE, Battle Creek, Michigan.

6877 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 19

“Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth.” BATTLE CREEK, MICH., THIRD-DAY, FEB. 11, 1862. JAMES WHITE, EDITOR

6880 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 19 February 18, 1862, page 89 paragraph 1

TERMS.-Two Dollars a year, in advance. One Dollar to the poor and to those who subscribe one year on trial. Free to those unable to pay half price. Address ELDER JAMES WHITE, Battle Creek, Michigan.