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621 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 879.5 (Matthew Henry)

… and stupid world that they should do so. (3.) They are very regular, and keep ranks in their march; though numerous and greedy of spoil, yet they are as a strong people …

622 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 883.1 (Matthew Henry)

A stupid, senseless, heedless people, are, in this chapter, called upon to take notice, I. Of the judgments of God denounced against them and the warnings he gave …

623 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 883.9 (Matthew Henry)

… amazing stupidity of an unbelieving world, that will not be wrought upon, no, not by the terrors of the Lord !

624 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 885.2 (Matthew Henry)

… so stupid are most men that they need to be again and again called upon to hear the word of the Lord, to give audience, to give attention. Hear this word. this convincing …

625 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 895.3 (Matthew Henry)

… this stupid senseless people; but God will be heard when he pleads. If the church, and those in it, will not hear, the earth, and those in it, shall, and shame them. 3 …

626 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 895.9 (Matthew Henry)

… and stupid people to a holy fear of divine wrath. We find Sennacherib’s invasion thus described, in the prediction of it, by the impressions of terror it should …

627 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 900.2 (Matthew Henry)

… the stupidity of the people; “ Let the hills hear thy voice, for this senseless careless people will not hear it, will not heed it. Let the rocks, the foundations …

628 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 906.22 (Matthew Henry)

… shameful stupidity and sottishness of idolaters, and so he does here by the prophet, on the like occasion. (1.) Their images, when they have made them, are but mere …

629 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 908.5 (Matthew Henry)

… so stupid if they had not stupefied themselves with the love of pleasure. It was also the cause of their sensuality; men would not make a god of their belly if …

630 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 911.10 (Matthew Henry)

… remain stupid and utterly averse to every thing that is good. It is in the day of a divine power that we are made willing. (2.) He encouraged them in their duty, and …

631 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 923.5 (Matthew Henry)

… and stupidity in this condition. There was a general decay, nay, a destruction, of religion among them, and it was all one to them; they regarded it not. My people …

633 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 932.3 (Matthew Henry)

… amazing stupidity of these Jews! And no less that of many who are called Christians! Observe,

634 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 943.19 (Matthew Henry)

… dead, stupid, untouched heart. To hear God’s word, and see his providences, and yet not to understand and perceive his will, either in the one or in the other, is …

635 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 946.12 (Matthew Henry)

(2.) Their sottishness and stupidity in the concerns of their souls; Can ye not discern the signs of the times ?

636 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 956.117 (Matthew Henry)

… so stupid; every word, when closely considered, shows the aggravated nature of the case. Consider, [1.] Who they were; “Could not ye watch—ye, my disciples and followers …

637 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 958.24 (Matthew Henry)

… strange stupidity which had seized them, and to raise their expectations. This was to set them on seeking him, and to prepare them for his appearance to them …

638 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 962.4 (Matthew Henry)

… their stupidity; they wilfully shut their eyes against the light, and therefore justly did Christ put it into the dark lantern of a parable, which had a bright …

639 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 964.64 (Matthew Henry)

… strangely stupid and unthinking, and their heart was hardened, or else they would not have thought it a thing incredible that Christ should command a calm …

640 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 966.18 (Matthew Henry)

… strangely stupid and senseless are ye! Do ye not remember that which was done but the other day, when I broke the five loaves among the five thousand, and soon …