Search for: adventist education

621 The Present Truth, vol. 13 February 18, 1897, page 102 paragraph 1

… regards education and religious training-of the youth amongst Seventh-day Adventists in the middle-western States, who had formerly to travel some hundreds …

622 The Signs of the Times, vol. 8 September 14, 1882, page 416 paragraph 3

… -day Adventists that is not well founded. It is something like this: “You profess to believe that the Lord will come very soon-in a few years; that men now living …

623 The Signs of the Times, vol. 13 December 1, 1887, page 728 paragraph 49

… -day Adventist Educational Society was held. This is the Battle Creek College Association, having no jurisdiction over other schools or colleges of the …

624 The Signs of the Times, vol. 14 November 9, 1888, page 678 paragraph 22

… -day Adventists that is not well founded. It is something like this: “You profess to believe that the Lord will come very soon-in a few years; that men now living …

625 The Origin and Growth of Sunday Observance in the Christian Church, p. 94.1 (Joseph Harvey Waggoner)

… -day Adventists and the Seventh-day Baptists. When a man says that the Sabbatarians, in searching two hundred years, have not been able to find an item of proof …

626 Review of the Two Sermons of Rev. R. G. Baird on the “Christian Sabbath”, p. 3.2 (Joseph Harvey Waggoner)

… -day Adventists. We have only noticed it according to the estimate put upon it by its friends.

627 Life Sketches, p. 369.2 (James Springer White)

… -day Adventists early felt the need of a school in which to educate young men and women to labor in the various departments of missionary work. They also felt …

628 Life Sketches, p. 374.2 (James Springer White)

… . D. Adventists, and that it is under the direction of the S. D. A. Educational Society; yet its doors are open to all worthy persons who choose to observe the rules …

629 Life Sketches, p. 391.1 (James Springer White)

… of education among S. D. Adventists are happy to know that this institution, in its youth, is self-sustaining. Teachers, however, work on smaller salaries, by nearly …

630 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 8 December 11, 1844, page 138 paragraph 5

education, are predisposed to the reception of novel sentiments.” If the “Pastor” refer to the second Adventists as persons of “defective education” in consequence …

631 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 1 November 25, 1887, page 35 paragraph 1

… -day Adventist Educational Association was opened by singing “Soldiers of Christ, Arise,” etc. Prayer was then offered by Elder G. C. Tenney. The Secretary read …

632 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 2 October 26, 1888, page 23 paragraph 3

… Day Adventist Educational Association was called to order with Uriah Smith in the chair. After prayer by Eld. Starr, of Michigan, the chairman remarked that …

633 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 2 November 2, 1888, page 37 paragraph 11

… -day Adventists to the urgent necessity of sending a delegation to appear before the United States senatorial committee on education and labor, to use all …

634 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 3, page 1

… . Prescott, Educational Secretary Report of the S. D. A. Educational Secretary 39 The Education of Laborers for Home & Foreign Missions 112 Uriah Smith History …

635 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 3 October 23, 1889, page 41 paragraph 15

… -day Adventists, here was an amount of educated talent that ought to be made use of in some direction in our work. Many of them expressed themselves as desirous …

636 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 3 October 30, 1889, page 115 paragraph 5

… -day Adventists, that the first end to be sought in educating one’s self as a laborer for God, is to educate ourselves to believe in the Bible implicitly, is a …

637 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 5 January 29, 1893, page 36 paragraph 6

… -day Adventist, and much more by those who are connected with our health institutions. All should realize that this is an important part of the Lord’s great …

638 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 5 January 29, 1893, page 46 paragraph 7

… great educational exposition is consistent with the civil Sabbath. I notice a tendency in my own church papers and in other orthodox church papers to gloat …

639 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 5 January 31, 1893, page 75 paragraph 8

… great educator. That is the great text book of every Seventh-day Adventist, and everybody else, that goes through to the kingdom of God.

640 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 5 February 2, 1893, page 101 paragraph 1

… -day Adventists, in not heeding the Testimonies given them of God for the last thirty years, that parents should, in the education and training of their children …