Search for: adventist education

601 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 5, p. 42.1 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

… -day Adventists in the land would turn their families unto Christian education, unto the education that becomes the church, and that the world is calling …

602 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 5, p. 42.2 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

… in education, but be the whole thing in education. If the Seventh-day Adventists would really give themselves to the church, loving it, and giving themselves …

603 Pacific Union Recorder, vol. 1 March 13, 1902, page 3 paragraph 3

… -day Adventists were in attendance. Dr. Kellogg and Dr. Paulson came from the east and spent almost the whole time with us. Although the convention had been good …

604 Pacific Union Recorder, vol. 1 March 27, 1902, page 11 paragraph 4

… -day Adventists were in attendance. Dr. Kellogg and Dr. Paulson came from the east and spent almost the whole time with us. Although the convention had been good …

605 The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress, p. 372.5 (John Norton Loughborough)

… medical educational institution. In compliance with this demand, the American Medical Missionary College was organized for the special purpose of training …

606 The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress, p. 392.2 (John Norton Loughborough)

… -day Adventist educational fund, to be used in securing grounds and erecting suitable buildings the next season. By vote, at the same session, a committee of …

607 The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress, p. 392.3 (John Norton Loughborough)

… “The Educational Society of the Seventh-day Adventists.” From this time Professor Brownsberger was connected with the Battle Creek College until he was …

608 The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress, p. 402.1 (John Norton Loughborough)

The educational work and institutions among Seventh-day Adventists have grown in proportion to other branches of the message. As shown from the General …

609 The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress, p. 432.3 (John Norton Loughborough)

… the educational work as teachers in a school which was opened July 4, 1894, in a school-building erected by Seventh-day Adventists. The attendance during the …

610 The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress, p. 479 (John Norton Loughborough)

… of Educational Work in 1895 401 Summary of Educational Institutions in 1903 402 Summary of Missions, Jan. 1, 1903 440 Sunday Laws, Prediction Concerning 453 …

611 The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress, p. 490.5 (John Norton Loughborough)

… the educational department, have for more than ten years made that book the “standard of attainment” in denominational history. And now somebody has to confess …

612 Heavenly Visions, p. 82.2 (John Norton Loughborough)

… the educational movement of Seventh-day Adventists. I am glad that I am a Seventh-day Adventist, that I belong to this church. It is more than the word “church …

613 Heavenly Visions, p. 94.3 (John Norton Loughborough)

… -day Adventists had developed. He spoke of the denomination as, “A little people who have something we need to make our educational system a success.”

614 Heavenly Visions, p. 94.9 (John Norton Loughborough)

… , mostly educational people, went over to Asia to observe missions. Their report was published in that book, “Re-thinking Missions.” It did a lot of harm to missions …

615 The Divine-Human Family, p. 6.2 (William Warren Prescott)

… of Adventist teachers (church employed or not) and began a program of teachers’ training institutes. Two significant conventions were held, one in 1891 at …

616 In Memoriam [White], p. 13.1 (Uriah Smith)

… of educational advantages; but at the age of sixteen, his health becoming better, he began to make up the loss, and at nineteen entered the Academy at St. Albans …

617 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 4 March 8, 1891, page 24 paragraph 5

… -day Adventists, and there is a call in some places for church schools to be established, where those may receive instruction who are not able to go to the Battle …

618 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 4 March 19, 1891, page 163 paragraph 10

… -day Adventist society, and that it is the literature of this denomination, relating to the subjects of religion, temperance, and education, that it designs …

619 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4 April 14, 1901, page 221 paragraph 2

… -day Adventists, held by the traditions of education, will go all around the corner, to get rid of saying God. They talk about what “nature” does,-nature does not …

620 The Present Truth, vol. 11 March 21, 1895, page 192 paragraph 5

… for educational work by our brethren in South Africa.