Search for: James White
6001 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 6
All communications, orders, and remittances should be addressed to JAMES WHITE Rochester, N. Y. 109 Monroe Street, (post-paid.)
6002 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 6
James White
6003 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 6
IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY At South St. Paul -st., Stone’s Block. TERMS.-One Dollar a Year, in Advance. J. N. ANDREWS, R. F. COTTRELL, URIAH SMITH, Publishing Committee. JAMES WHITE, Editor.
6004 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 6
All communications, orders, and remittances should be addressed to JAMES WHITE Rochester, N. Y. 109 Monroe Street, (post-paid.)
6005 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 6
James White
6006 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 6
IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY At South St. Paul -st., Stone’s Block. TERMS.-One Dollar a Year, in Advance. J. N. ANDREWS, R. F. COTTRELL, URIAH SMITH, Publishing Committee. JAMES WHITE, Editor.
6007 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 6
All communications, orders, and remittances should be addressed to JAMES WHITE Rochester, N. Y. 109 Monroe Street, (post-paid.)
6008 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 6 October 3, 1854, page 63 paragraph 5
… BRO. WHITE:- It is about ten months since I was called out into the present truth. I was a believer in the Bible Sabbath, and had been for three or four years. I first …
6009 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 6 October 3, 1854, page 64 paragraph 67
Henry Lyon $5. James White $5. T. B. Mead, G. W. Amadon, U. Smith, S. T. Belden, J. W. Bacheller, J. B. Lamson, J. N. Loughborough, E. G. White, A. R. Smith, M. J. Patten, each $1.
6010 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 6
James White
6011 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 6
IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY At South St. Paul -st., Stone’s Block. TERMS.-One Dollar a Year, in Advance. J. N. ANDREWS, R. F. COTTRELL, URIAH SMITH, Publishing Committee. JAMES WHITE, Editor.
6012 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 6
All communications, orders, and remittances should be addressed to JAMES WHITE Rochester, N. Y. 109 Monroe Street, (post-paid.)
6013 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 6
James White
6014 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 6
IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY At South St. Paul -st., Stone’s Block. TERMS.-One Dollar a Year, in Advance. J. N. ANDREWS, R. F. COTTRELL, URIAH SMITH, Publishing Committee. JAMES WHITE, Editor.
6015 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 6
All communications, orders, and remittances should be addressed to JAMES WHITE Rochester, N. Y. 109 Monroe Street, (post-paid.)
6016 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 6
James White
6017 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 6
IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY At South St. Paul -st., Stone’s Block. TERMS.-One Dollar a Year, in Advance. J. N. ANDREWS, R. F. COTTRELL, URIAH SMITH, Publishing Committee. JAMES WHITE, Editor.
6018 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 6
All communications, orders, and remittances should be addressed to JAMES WHITE Rochester, N. Y. 109 Monroe Street, (post-paid.)
6019 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 6
James White
6020 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 6
IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY At South St. Paul -st., Stone’s Block. TERMS.-One Dollar a Year, in Advance. J. N. ANDREWS, R. F. COTTRELL, URIAH SMITH, Publishing Committee. JAMES WHITE, Editor.