Search for: adventist education

581 The American Sentinel 7 January 21, 1892, page 19 paragraph 11

… -day Adventists were officially represented by their honored and accredited exponent, Alonzo T. Jones, editor of THE AMERICAN SENTINEL. Before that committee …

582 The American Sentinel 7 August 4, 1892, page 240 paragraph 1

… -day Adventists to prison, also ordered that they, “educate their consciences by the laws of Tennessee.” And this in the face of the Constitution of Tennessee …

583 The American Sentinel 10 March 7, 1895, page 74 paragraph 4

… their educational and publishing institutions, nor upon their cotton tabernacles—tents—in which their summer evangelistic services are conducted. They …

584 The American Sentinel 10 March 7, 1895, page 75 paragraph 7

… of education, faithfully sustaining their schools where established and continually planting new ones. The educational secretary reported to the conference …

585 The American Sentinel 10 March 21, 1895, page 89 paragraph 1

… -day Adventist minister, established an academy at Graysville, Rhea County, Tenn. He invested in this school all the money he had, amounting to several thousand …

586 The American Sentinel 10 March 21, 1895, page 89 paragraph 3

… of Adventist families from different parts of the State and from neighboring State, moved to Graysville in order that they might educate their children …

587 The American Sentinel 10 March 28, 1895, page 98 paragraph 5

… -day Adventists boys and girls who are trying to get an education at Graysville Academy.

588 The American Sentinel 10 April 18, 1895, page 122

“The Educational Work of the Adventists” American Sentinel 10, 16, pp. 122, 123.

589 The American Sentinel 10 April 18, 1895, page 122 paragraph 1

THE closing of the Adventist academy in Rhea County, Tenn., by the persecution at that place, naturally suggests some question as to the extent and nature of the educational work conducted by this people.

590 The American Sentinel 10 April 18, 1895, page 122 paragraph 5

Thus it will be seen that for a denomination numbering only about fifty thousand communicants, the Seventh-day Adventists are doing a large amount of educational work.

591 The American Sentinel 10 April 18, 1895, page 122 paragraph 7

The educational work done by the Adventists is by no means superficial. In fact, they aim at thoroughness in all their work. Education is essential to any people …

592 The American Sentinel 10 April 18, 1895, page 122 paragraph 8

The Adventists are a practical people, and as far as possible, give a practical education. Most of the students in their colleges and academies have some definite …

593 The Bible Echo, vol. 13 June 27, 1898, page 202 paragraph 2

… -day Adventists by name and profession, but will be just as babyish Seventh-day Adventists as they ever were any other kind of people. If this true Christianity …

594 The Captivity of the Republic, p. 25.2 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

… great educational Exposition is consistent with the civil Sabbath. I notice a tendency in my own church papers, and in other orthodox church papers, to gloat …

595 The Daily Inter Ocean Articles April 7, 1889, page 5 paragraph 7

… the Educational Committee of Congress, that the government had a right to enforce Sunday laws. It is sufficient to say these are entirely untrue.” Elder Jones …

596 “Due Process of Law” and The Divine Right of Dissent, p. 59.6 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

… -day Adventists have a record upon this subject, which is plain and unmistakable. Nor is it merely a record in the common acceptation of the term. It is a public …

597 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 5 1893, page 46 paragraph 7

… great educational exposition is consistent with the civil Sabbath. I notice a tendency in my own church papers and in other orthodox church papers to gloat …

598 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 1, page 1

… -day Adventist Educational Society, meeting of 287 Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Assoc. 286 Sons of Jacob and Sons of God - R. A. Underwood 167 South Lancaster …

599 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 1 February 25, 1897, page 145 paragraph 4

… -day Adventists have been studying this problem for twenty-four years, and that they have successfully solved it. Instead of that, I was compelled to tell him …

600 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 1 March 8, 1897, page 312 paragraph 3

… -day Adventist were a genuine reformer! How many people would be converted in one year! We have twelve sanitariums, and every one is an educational institution …