Search for: James White

5621 Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 4 October 12, 1842, page 32 paragraph 19

… . Huntington, James Clough, Samuel Cass, Benj. Irish, Wm. Miller, H. B. Skinner, Israel Randall, Wm. Storrs, Tho’s M. Preble, R. Parker, Samuel W. Shepherd, S. Bliss, Cicero Roberts …

5622 Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 4 October 26, 1842, page 47 paragraph 8

… Peter, James and John his brother, and bringeth them up into a high mountain, apart. And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his …

5623 Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 4 November 30, 1842, page 84 paragraph 4

… made white .” Was this done when Antiochus died? If so, then I cannot understand what being clothed in white means. But it is explained, Revelation 19:7, 8 : “Let us be …

5624 Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 4 March 1, 1843, page 192 paragraph 2

… N Whiting; Amos Fox; Israel Taft; S G Hiler; Jno C Himes; Columbus Greene, $ 100 rec’d, and bundles sent; R Lyman.

5625 Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 5 March 8, 1843, page 5 paragraph 23

… Haskell; James Morrill; Ed. Atkinson, $ 5; J Starkweather; G Higgins; E N Harris; B Foster, Jr; Jno S White; T J Wadley; L Anibal; Dr Crary; Am Barr; M M George; N Webb; W S Campbell …

5626 Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 5 March 15, 1843, page 9 paragraph 4

… . N. Whiting were employed to perform this important labor, in prosecuting which it could not be otherwise than that their minds would become stored with a …

5627 Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 5 March 22, 1843, page 21 paragraph 6

… brother James White, dated Gardner, Me. March 4th, 1843. “Since I left Palmyra, in January, I have lectured at different places in the following towns: Sidney, Augusta …

5628 Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 6 November 15, 1843, page 112 paragraph 15

… 1; James Langley; J D Marsh; O B Tenney; N W Wait 1 by PM; B Irish 1 by PM; Mrs Elizabeth Richtmyer 1 by PM; S Hale 1 by PM; Daniel Kendall 1; Wm Miller; J E Jones; Dwight Nutting …

5629 Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 6 January 24, 1844, page 192 paragraph 13

… G Whiting, by PM $2, which pays for two volumes ahead; G Kemston $3; James Fowler, $1, and S Osgood $1 by PM; Rev G P King by P M $1; H Searle $1; J Morrill $2; J Hamilton; J Robinson by …

5630 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 7 February 28, 1844, page 32 paragraph 25

… $1; James C Mathews by p m $1; J Brown $2; R Morrell and E Rowell by p m $1 each; J Coller and J Holden by p m $1 each; A D Whitemore; E Lloyd; Dwight Nutting by p m $1; Metcalf Smith …

5631 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 7 July 31, 1844, page 207 paragraph 34

… G Whiting $1 218 v 9; I S Wright $1, 195 v 8; Samuel Haly by pm $1 141 v 6; Abijah Thayer by pm $2 175 v 8; A P Lynde by pm $1 195 v 8; E B Stevens $2 144 v 6; J P Hall by pm $1 178 v 8; D Mister by …

5632 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 8 August 7, 1844, page 8 paragraph 51

… ; P. White by pm $2 196 end v 8; L A. Gifford by pm $1 170 end v 7; A. Davis by pm $1 170 end v 7; J. S. Rhodes $1 170 end v 7; J Reynolds $1 170 end v 7; J. Clothy $1 196 end v 8; Mary Beat $2 170 end …

5633 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 8 August 21, 1844, page 24 paragraph 27

… 7; James Alexander by pm $1 pd to end v 8; G R Lyman by pm $1 pd to end v 8; J J Frantham by pm $5 pd to end v 7; J Livermore by pm $1 pd to end v 8; J Sewall by pm $1 pd to end v 7; E Swift by …

5634 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 8 October 2, 1844, page 72 paragraph 22

… ; L White by pm $3 pd to end v 6; L Chamberlain by pm $1 pd to end v 7; Abigail Chase $1 pd to 184 in v 8; S A Chaplin by pm $2 pd to 238 in v 9; L Hastings by pm $1 pd to 158 in v 7; S Campbell …

5635 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 8 October 30, 1844, page 96 paragraph 18

… B White $1; A B Wood; John Aikin $1; J Hall $1; O B Galffin $4; W Ordway $3; pm Golford N H; N Whiting; N Southard; Moses Cheney; A Every and C C Tucker $2; Wm Rogers Robinson; Nancy K …

5636 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 8 December 25, 1844, page 160 paragraph 16

… M James by pm $1 pd to 215 in v 9; J Umbuhind by pm $1 pd to 213 in v 9; M Thayer by pm $1 pd to end 8 v; F Senior by pm $1 pd to end 8 v; D Goodnough by pm $1 pd to middle 8 v; D Mixter by pm …

5637 The Jubilee Standard, vol. 1 June 5, 1845, page 104 paragraph 4

… Bro. James White came to this place and gave us the subject of the wedding—the coming of Christ to the Ancient of Days to take the kingdom. We submitted to all …

5638 The Present Truth, vol. 1

James White

5639 The Present Truth, vol. 1 July 1849, page 4 paragraph 12

… liberty.” James 2:12. This law is called the royal law vs. 8th, for it came forth from the King Eternal. James has quoted two of the commandments from the decalogue …

5640 The Present Truth, vol. 1 July 1849, page 6 paragraph 12

Will some brother or sister in each place where this sheet is received, send me in plain writing the names and Post-Office address of all who are seeking present truth. Write soon. My Post-Office address is Middletown, Conn. In hope, JAMES WHITE.