Search for: Choice
5421 The Present Truth, vol. 14 October 20, 1898, page 662 paragraph 5
… our choice,-either to boast of our own ability, and make failures, or to confess our ignorance and have true prosperity. But when we come to think of it, there is …
5422 The Present Truth, vol. 14 November 17, 1898, page 728 paragraph 5
… their choice lay, like Paul’s, between earthly honour and the contempt of men, would choose truth and right, whatever they involved? The offence of the cross …
5423 The Present Truth, vol. 14 December 1, 1898, page 754 paragraph 6
… the choice of the people, and placed Jehoiakim on the throne. Jehoahaz was taken captive into Egypt, where he died. Jehoiakim was twenty-five years old when …
5424 The Present Truth, vol. 15 January 12, 1899, page 19 paragraph 1
… their choice of evil is irrevocably fixed. That is what makes their probation end-they will not longer listen to the Gospel. They could be saved if they were …
5425 The Present Truth, vol. 15 January 19, 1899, page 34 paragraph 7
… own choice are presented. Every offering, every form of service, in which the righteousness of Christ is lacking, is a vain oblation, and empty form. It is no more …
5426 The Present Truth, vol. 15 January 26, 1899, page 52 paragraph 4
… own choice, and God will be clear from the blood of the wicked who are destroyed. Recall Isaiah 1:31 .
5427 The Present Truth, vol. 15 February 9, 1899, page 81 paragraph 5
… free choice as to what they will do with it. Not one thought or word or act ever came into existence, which was not rendered possible by God in supplying, the necessary …
5428 The Present Truth, vol. 15 February 16, 1899, page 106 paragraph 8
… and choice plant, would you think it too great a treasure to be sown in the ground? No, the more you valued it, the more anxious you would be to sow it, so that it might …
5429 The Present Truth, vol. 15 March 30, 1899, page 194 paragraph 6
… our choice. It is true we do not want death, but we want the sin which, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. When we are willing that the Lord shall make an end …
5430 The Present Truth, vol. 15 June 1, 1899, page 342 paragraph 1
… of choice,-and every one is left free to accept or reject. “To-day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your heart.”
5431 The Present Truth, vol. 15 June 29, 1899, page 403 paragraph 4
… Daniel's choice. “As for these four youths, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning find wisdom; and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams …
5432 The Present Truth, vol. 15 June 29, 1899, page 404 paragraph 5
… his choice, the truth was exalted. The man who is recreant to the trust that God has placed in him in a critical time, is of no use. He is passed by as one of the common …
5433 The Present Truth, vol. 15 July 6, 1899, page 424 paragraph 1
… of choice; and God calls upon them to choose between right and wrong, life and death. “Choose ye this day whom ye will serve.” Joshua 24:15. “Choose life that both thou …
5434 The Present Truth, vol. 15 July 6, 1899, page 424 paragraph 2
When Esau sold his birthright for a mess of pottage, he made a choice that he afterwards regretted; and even though he sought it with tears, there was no place found for repentance.
5435 The Present Truth, vol. 15 July 6, 1899, page 424 paragraph 3
… first choice; and because the plain of Jordan was “well watered,” he chose that, and “pitched is tent toward Sodom.” His choice was a selfish one, to satisfy present …
5436 The Present Truth, vol. 15 July 6, 1899, page 424 paragraph 6
… the choice is a poor one, for all the world can give is only transitory and unsatisfactory. But he who chooses the world to come, like Mary “hath chosen that good …
5437 The Present Truth, vol. 15 August 24, 1899, page 544 paragraph 7
… his choice as to how he will die. He may either die now willingly, or have his life taken from him at the last day. If in Christ we willingly allow the law to take …
5438 The Present Truth, vol. 15 November 16, 1899, page 727 paragraph 1
… a choice, whether she would prefer to live,” replied, “she would not make a choice, but would refer the matter back to Him.” So does the holy soul decline all responsibilities …
5439 The Present Truth, vol. 15 November 30, 1899, page 753 paragraph 5
… foolish choice Israel made when they rejected God as their Ruler, and desired a king like the heathen round them! God warned them, saying, “He will take your sons …
5440 The Present Truth, vol. 15 November 30, 1899, page 773 paragraph 2
… : the choice must necessarily be made before the struggle is ended. As we well know, Jacob was chosen before he was born. We are chosen in order that we may overcome …