Search for: Choice

5321 The Present Truth, vol. 10 June 21, 1894, page 387 paragraph 5

… the choice of man, it must be so now. God does not change, His law does not change, and the obligation of man to His law does not change with the lapse of years.

5322 The Present Truth, vol. 10 July 19, 1894, page 452 paragraph 7

… own choice. God is the only source of life. His life is peace. Now when men reject Him, the only alternative for them is wrath and death. “For that they hated knowledge …

5323 The Present Truth, vol. 10 July 26, 1894, page 480 paragraph 16

… own choices, for which they must find the answer at the bar of His Judgment. Man, on the other hand, has no reason nor authority for instituting a Sabbath, nor any …

5324 The Present Truth, vol. 10 August 2, 1894, page 486 paragraph 5

… such choice. It is this freedom of will that gives to man the possibility of being a companion of God. The Creator has for ever set man’s will free, and He Himself …

5325 The Present Truth, vol. 10 August 2, 1894, page 486 paragraph 15

… their choice. It is virtually the same as though their time in the grave had not been, but their life had continued without break until the final judgment.

5326 The Present Truth, vol. 10 September 27, 1894, page 624 paragraph 8

… make choice whom they will serve.

5327 The Present Truth, vol. 10 November 8, 1894, page 707 paragraph 13

… no choice as to who shall use them, while the former have full choice as to whom they will serve. They must yield themselves, not once only, but all the time. If they …

5328 The Present Truth, vol. 10 November 8, 1894, page 707 paragraph 20

… final choice of sin is therefore choice of complete separation from the life of God, and so from all life, since He is the only source of life. Christ, who is the …

5329 The Present Truth, vol. 10 November 29, 1894, page 759 paragraph 6

The choice of a grave in Korea is a much more serious matter than in other countries. In fact, so complicated and mixed are the methods of arriving at a proper …

5330 The Present Truth, vol. 10 December 6, 1894, page 784 paragraph 14

… her choices, and we have made ours. She talks about Laud, and we will remember Oliver Cromwell. When the friends of freedom and pure Christianity were united …

5331 The Present Truth, vol. 10 December 20, 1894, page 801 paragraph 8

… own choice. Every day men are choosing for good or bad, and one choice leads to another in the same direction. Each move takes the individual further, until at …

5332 The Present Truth, vol. 10 December 20, 1894, page 801 paragraph 9

… from choices already made. The love of the truth will be our only safety, and not the importance of the issue, for that may not appear. Little did Pontius Pilate …

5333 The Present Truth, vol. 10 December 20, 1894, page 802 paragraph 1

… decisive choice. Pilate tried to evade the issue, but he could not. He knew that Christ was innocent; that it was for envy he had been seized and brought before …

5334 The Present Truth, vol. 10 December 20, 1894, page 802 paragraph 2

… . Our choice must be in harmony with His law. It must be made in love of the truth. Otherwise it will be Pilate’s choice, and we shall see only when too late, the folly …

5335 The Present Truth, vol. 10 December 27, 1894, page 817 paragraph 2

… fixed choice, nor a firm purpose to cleave to the Lord; but the penitent who makes real progress is the one who comes to the Lord, saying,—

5336 The Present Truth, vol. 10 December 27, 1894, page 819 paragraph 1

… of choice without depriving him of his manhood and making him the same as a stick.

5337 The Present Truth, vol. 10 December 27, 1894, page 819 paragraph 9

… the choice and will of each individual. He will not carry out His own purpose contrary to man’s will. His will is to give man whatever man decides will best please …

5338 The Present Truth, vol. 10 December 27, 1894, page 832 paragraph 12

… bad choice will not be repeated if you persist. For the world, with all that is of it, is reserved by the word of God unto a fate precisely such as that which overtook …

5339 The Present Truth, vol. 11 January 3, 1895, page 2 paragraph 4

… the choice will be. The movement Romeward is becoming more and more definite and pronounced, and full union is the only place where it can end. This is what Rome …

5340 The Present Truth, vol. 11 January 3, 1895, page 3 paragraph 13

… deliberate choice can reject it, but even then His love continues the same; only we have in that case removed ourselves from it. “If we believe not, yet He abideth …