Search for: Choice
5301 The Present Truth, vol. 9 November 30, 1893, page 552 paragraph 3
… right choice, of yielding to God and not to self, of looking to Christ and not to something else, and of letting His mind and His spirit be in us. He is our Sun, the …
5302 The Present Truth, vol. 9 November 30, 1893, page 560 paragraph 3
… little choice between the Mohammedan and Greek religions, but it is a great pity that a people so ready to embrace a new religion should not have had opportunity …
5303 The Present Truth, vol. 9 December 7, 1893, page 567 paragraph 1
… your choice will depend your eternal welfare.
5304 The Present Truth, vol. 9 December 7, 1893, page 569 paragraph 1
… by choice.
5305 The Present Truth, vol. 10 January 4, 1894, page 8 paragraph 5
… a choice between war and social revolution induced by unendurable taxation. The two storm clouds are looming up on the horizon, and it is only a question of …
5306 The Present Truth, vol. 10 January 11, 1894, page 21 paragraph 3
… than choice gold. For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.” Proverbs 8:10, 11 .
5307 The Present Truth, vol. 10 January 11, 1894, page 23 paragraph 2
… own choice became a subject of sin. God said, “I will put enmity between thee [the serpent] and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed,” and as this consciousness …
5308 The Present Truth, vol. 10 January 18, 1894, page 34 paragraph 10
… of choice, willing to be acted upon, and yielding to the power within. And the spring of the power is not a mechanism, but the Divine life in the word. The working …
5309 The Present Truth, vol. 10 March 15, 1894, page 164 paragraph 9
… own choice. So He gives everyone full liberty to choose whatever he will.
5310 The Present Truth, vol. 10 March 29, 1894, page 193
“Your Choice” The Present Truth 10, 13.
5311 The Present Truth, vol. 10 March 29, 1894, page 193 paragraph 2
Your Choice .-The Christian life is a life of choosing that which is right and good and refusing that which is wrong. When temptation comes to you, you have the …
5312 The Present Truth, vol. 10 April 12, 1894, page 227 paragraph 1
… our choice will be made without any just conception of the interest which it involves. Only with the eye of faith can we see those spiritual things which balance …
5313 The Present Truth, vol. 10 April 12, 1894, page 227 paragraph 2
… same choice that has been made by God’s children all the way through. It is not a more difficult one that you are called to make to-day. And by the eye of faith you …
5314 The Present Truth, vol. 10 April 12, 1894, page 233 paragraph 6
… ’ lights, choice flowers, and small tapers, gave, it is boastfully said, ‘a thoroughly Catholic appearance to the church.’ So much the worse for the Protestantism …
5315 The Present Truth, vol. 10 May 10, 1894, page 293 paragraph 4
… deliberate choice of what is agreeable to him, notwithstanding he knows it to be evil. It is as literally true of him as of other impenitent men elsewhere, that …
5316 The Present Truth, vol. 10 May 10, 1894, page 301 paragraph 6
We see, then, that Abel chose to live with Christ, and Cain chose to get along without Christ, for we are told that Christ dwells only in the heart of the one who has faith in Him. Let us study carefully that we may see which made the better choice.
5317 The Present Truth, vol. 10 May 10, 1894, page 302 paragraph 4
18. Which, do you think, made the better choice?
5318 The Present Truth, vol. 10 May 17, 1894, page 309 paragraph 10
… . The choice is yours; the transfer is attended to by God. Do you say, This is only imagination,—a mere spiritual picture, without any practical value? Not at all …
5319 The Present Truth, vol. 10 May 24, 1894, page 333 paragraph 16
… better choice?
5320 The Present Truth, vol. 10 May 31, 1894, page 349 paragraph 8
… own choice—even though it be eternal death and destruction.