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52401 How the Spirit of Prophecy Met a Crisis, p. 25.1 (William Ambrose Spicer)

times of perplexity that followed our first views of the dangers involved, we saw how steady and sure and unhurried was the work of the Spirit of prophecy …

52402 How the Spirit of Prophecy Met a Crisis, p. 32.2 (William Ambrose Spicer)

… view of the times in which we are living, and in view of the instruction given us at the last General Conference, to the effect that ‘Spurious scientific theories …

52403 How the Spirit of Prophecy Met a Crisis, p. 34.1 (William Ambrose Spicer)

time in Washington, in the M-Street Church. The brethren were pressing on with general business as usual; but like a cloud over us again was the shadow of the …

52404 How the Spirit of Prophecy Met a Crisis, p. 36.1 (William Ambrose Spicer)

… given us at the General Conference held in Battle Creek, early in 1901, was of God. Had Dr. ____ at that time done thorough work, the terrible experience through which …

52405 How the Spirit of Prophecy Met a Crisis, p. 37.2 (William Ambrose Spicer)

… this time is, “What is the truth that will enable us to win the salvation of our souls?”’

52406 How the Spirit of Prophecy Met a Crisis, p. 38.3 (William Ambrose Spicer)

… piece of writing to be started at one o’clock in the morning and hurried out to reach a time of need. Imagine any of our brethren awakened in the night and asked …

52407 How the Spirit of Prophecy Met a Crisis, p. 39.3 (William Ambrose Spicer)

… given us at the General Conference held in Battle Creek early in 1901, was of God. Had Dr. Kellogg at that time done thorough work, the terrible experience through …

52408 How the Spirit of Prophecy Met a Crisis, p. 42.1 (William Ambrose Spicer)

… to us at this time with special meaning. Read it, and ask God to show you its import. Thank God that he is sending us messages of mercy. Those accepting the theories …

52409 How the Spirit of Prophecy Met a Crisis, p. 55.2 (William Ambrose Spicer)

… . Then time came when he spent some hours in counsel with promoters of the new ideas, and he came out as an advocate of them. In the Council he told us the book taught …

52410 How the Spirit of Prophecy Met a Crisis, p. 57.2 (William Ambrose Spicer)

… hope of our salvation. God’s power is manifested by His word. He is “upholding all things by the word of His power.” He saves us by this all-powerful word which works …

52411 How the Spirit of Prophecy Met a Crisis, p. 65.6 (William Ambrose Spicer)

… in time repay them by assisting them to establish similar institutions in different parts of the country. Time and again we have stood before congregations …

52412 How the Spirit of Prophecy Met a Crisis, p. 71.2 (William Ambrose Spicer)

of responsibility,” we were told at that time, “are in danger of changing leaders.” ( Series B, No. 2, p. 48 .) There was a hypnotic power in the teaching, as some of us knew …

52413 How the Spirit of Prophecy Met a Crisis, p. 75.2 (William Ambrose Spicer)

times was the following message to a veteran of the publishing work from the days of the first printing office, in Rochester, New York, to the later times of

52414 How the Spirit of Prophecy Met a Crisis, p. 76.3 (William Ambrose Spicer)

… group of men representing an institution which at that time was at outs with the movement, was trying to get a controlling voice in the Tabernacle affairs …

52415 How the Spirit of Prophecy Met a Crisis, p. 81.3 (William Ambrose Spicer)

… early times. The apostles fought it by the plain things of the word of God. So, as these ideas of mysticism came flooding in upon us, the Spirit of prophecy led …

52416 The Story of our Health Message, p. 5.3 (Dores Eugene Robinson)

… Story of our Health Message” takes the reader back to the times when the Seventh-day Adventist Church had its beginnings. These were times when the general …

52417 The Story of our Health Message, p. 17.1 (Dores Eugene Robinson)

… dangers of the excessive use of the more potent drugs were recognized by observant physicians, only a very few had the courage to discard the use of drugs …

52418 The Story of our Health Message, p. 18.4 (Dores Eugene Robinson)

… advance of the brand-ymilk mode, and they finally discovered that the use of “water alone” was still better than any of the other plans of treatment. Finally …

52419 The Story of our Health Message, p. 19.3 (Dores Eugene Robinson)

… system of treatment [treatment designed to reduce inflammation, understood at that time as bleeding, and the use of salts and antimony]; and almost every sick …

52420 The Story of our Health Message, p. 40.4 (Dores Eugene Robinson)

use of ardent spirits, and who agreed not to furnish them to others, there was not at first any effective system of working or means of co-operation. A few of these …