Search for: , chapter 17

501 Synopsis of the Present Truth

… ON CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE. 9. What testimony of Peter’s proves the same thing? 10. What incident that took place in Eden also shows it? 11. What were these cherubim …

502 Synopsis of the Present Truth

… ON CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO. 13. When will they be fulfilled? 14. What is brought to view in the “promises?” 15. To what does Paul refer in Hebrews 6:13 ? 16. How is our connection …

503 The Visions of Mrs. E.G. White, p. 117.1 (Uriah Smith)

… preceding chapter, that all of this class had just been slain by the sword of him that sat upon the horse. Mark the company presented to John. The wicked had all …

505 The Present Truth, vol. 14 January 20, 1898, page 36 paragraph 4

… seventeenth chapter, of John is the prayer of Jesus in the presence of His disciples, just before His arrest; in the eleventh chapter of John we read His prayer …

506 The Present Truth, vol. 14 March 24, 1898, page 182 paragraph 3

… eleventh chapter of Hebrews, and you will see that faith came from the beginning. Since the days of Abel, men have found freedom by faith. The only time fixed …

507 The Present Truth, vol. 14 April 28, 1898, page 261 paragraph 6

… last chapter of the Book: “And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come .” Through the prophet Isaiah …

508 The Present Truth, vol. 14 May 12, 1898, page 291 paragraph 8

… sixth chapter, which constitute our present lesson:—

509 The Signs of the Times, vol. 14 June 22, 1888, page 375 paragraph 9

In chapter 5, paragraph 17, of the same volume, Mr. Lea, speaking of the Order of Knights Templars, says:-

510 The Signs of the Times, vol. 14 December 14, 1888, page 761 paragraph 43

17. What epistles contain a mention of this event in every chapter?- The epistles to the Thessalonians .

511 The Signs of the Times, vol. 21 November 14, 1895, page 706 paragraph 3

Our last lesson covered verses 16, 17, which contain the statement of what the Gospel is, and what it reveals to men. The remaining portion of the chapter may be summarized thus:—

512 Waggoner on Romans, p. 21.3 (Ellet Joseph Waggoner)

Our last lesson covered verses 16, 17, which contain the statement of what the Gospel is, and what it reveals to men. The remaining portion of the chapter may be summarized thus:-

513 The Perpetuity of the Seventh-day Sabbath, p. 47.5 (Joseph Harvey Waggoner)

… . The chapter commences with a most bitter lamentation. It is a very peculiar chapter. 22nd verse, etc. The obedience required of the children of Israel is that …

514 The Early Life and Later Experience and Labors of Elder Joseph Bates, p. 7 (James Springer White)

Chapter 1 17 Parentage — Birth — Residence — First Foreign Voyage — Hurl Gate — London Water for Sailors — Mr. Lloyd’s Story — Mr. Moore and his Book — Sea Journal — Overboard …

515 The Early Life and Later Experience and Labors of Elder Joseph Bates, p. 11 (James Springer White)

Chapter 17 209 Revival of Religion — Baptism — Join the Church — Temperance Society — Cold-Water Army — Another Voyage — Rules for the Voyage — Temperance Voyage — Altar …

517 The Early Life and Later Experience and Labors of Elder Joseph Bates, p. 266.4 (James Springer White)

… 15-17, 1841. At this meeting Bro. Josiah Litch, of Boston, Mass., was present. Bro. L., in the year 1838, sent out his exposition of the ninth chapter of Revelation, predicting …

518 Life Sketches, p. 405.2 (James Springer White)

… verse 17 of the same chapter: “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves; for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they …

519 Signs of the Times [Himes], vol. 1 August 15, 1840, page 80

… Book. Chapter and Verse. Remarks. 1 Adam, 130 130 4025 Genesis. 5:3 2 Seth, 105 235 do 5:6 3 Enos, 90 325 do 5:9 4 Cainan, 70 395 do 5:12 5 Mahalaleel, 65 460 do 5:15 6 Jared, 162 …

520 Signs of the Times [Himes], vol. 1 October 1, 1840, page 103

… . Book, Chapter and Verse. Creation, 1 4088 1 Adam, 130 130 3958 2 Seth, 105 235 3853 271 y. Genesis 5:3. Beginning of the Cycles, 271 3817 Do 5:6, 3 Enos, 90 325 3763 do 5:9. 4 Canaan …