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50361 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 March 1, 1895, page 426 paragraph 4

… in reference to the grading of the school, whether in the same year’s study there would be three grades of classes. It was answered that it would hardly be necessary …

50362 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 March 1, 1895, page 426 paragraph 6

… . He referred to the circumstances in which the present vessel was used, and the inconveniences which were often imposed upon passengers by the limited room …

50363 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 March 1, 1895, page 426 paragraph 12

… be referred to the General Conference Association, with power to act. This motion received a second, and was carried unanimously.

50364 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 March 3, 1895, page 432 paragraph 1

… have referred to, have been utilized, and are now utilized, in the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Now the question naturally arises, Has Japan’s religious …

50365 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 March 3, 1895, page 433 paragraph 1

… are referred to there, we need to send among this people those who believe that Jesus Christ is not simply a dead Jew, but the living Redeemer of man, — one who is …

50367 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 March 3, 1895, page 435 paragraph 3

… would refer to this heavenly jurisdiction in which Jesus Christ rules. The verbal translation of this sixth chapter and twelfth verse runs thus: “We wrestle …

50368 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 March 3, 1895, page 437 paragraph 6

… is referred to here, in this having spoiled principalities and powers, and made a show, in a grand parade of them openly, triumphing over them in it. The word “triumph …

50369 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 March 3, 1895, page 441 paragraph 2

… . In reference to Recommendation 2, Elder Durland stated that the south western part of South Dakota was very difficult of access from the eastern part, whereas …

50370 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 March 3, 1895, page 441 paragraph 6

… be referred back to the Committee. No second. W. B. White moved that the recommendation be referred back to the General Conference Committee. S. H. Lane seconded …

50371 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 March 3, 1895, page 441 paragraph 13

… in reference to the work in that country. There are four hundred thousand Germans in Brazil. The canvassing work has accomplished much good. There are already …

50372 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 March 3, 1895, page 442 paragraph 4

… in reference to the work in Trinidad, and was not surprised when the recommendation came to him, and was willing to accept it as from the Lord, and believed that …

50373 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 March 3, 1895, page 442 paragraph 6

In behalf of the Committee, A. J. Breed asked that the fourteenth recommendation be referred back for further consideration. Granted.

50374 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 March 3, 1895, page 442 paragraph 9

The report of the Committee on Credentials and Licenses, page 427 of the BULLETIN, was then taken up. O. A. Johnson moved that the report be accepted. The name of D. T. Bourdeau was referred to the Wisconsin Conference Committee.

50375 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 March 3, 1895, page 442 paragraph 10

The name of Z. G. Baharian was referred to the Central European Committee, for political reasons.

50376 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 March 3, 1895, page 442 paragraph 11

… was referred back to the Committee for further consideration. In all of these cases there was no question as to the fitness of the candidates, the only question …

50377 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 March 3, 1895, page 442 paragraph 29

31. That the name of Elder E. H. Gates be referred to the Foreign Mission Board for appointment, as soon as he is in a condition of health to engage in active labor.

50378 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 March 3, 1895, page 443 paragraph 13

39. That Elder John A. Brunson and wife be referred to the General Conference Committee for appointment, as soon as they are prepared to take up labor.

50379 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 March 3, 1895, page 443 paragraph 28

… with reference to the arrangement of tracts. It is not expected that the general office shall do the selecting of tracts for local work. The workers should …

50380 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 March 4, 1895, page 445 paragraph 9

I REFERRED last night also to a Testimony on the thought as to this contest between the spiritual powers. I will read that at this point, because it touches …