Search for: legalism

4981 The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4, p. 1088.1 (LeRoy Edwin Froom)

… the legality of all the daily sacrifices instituted at Sinai to be daily observed until the Seed should come. Here Christ, the substance, or great antitypical …

4982 The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4, p. 1158 (LeRoy Edwin Froom)

… Either Legalism or Antinomianism Page 1158

4983 Communion With God, p. 117.5 (General Conference of SDA - Ministerial Association)

… a legal right to give us counterfeit answers to our prayers. So we have counterfeit signs and wonders, slayings in the spirit, miracles and tongues. For almost …

4984 Passion, Purpose & Power, p. 56.1 (James R. Nix)

… and legally worthless, and he never expected to realize anything from it. But one day while on the street, this man, seeing father, called to him, and said: “I want …

4985 Passion, Purpose & Power, p. 99.2 (James R. Nix)

… a legally organized Association shall be formed and its officers elected.”

4986 Passion, Purpose & Power, p. 224.2 (James R. Nix)

… were legally imprisoned be a righteous law, then may any State, nation, or country set up a religious creed and enforce it; then France treated properly the …

4987 Passion, Purpose & Power, p. 225.1 (James R. Nix)

… , his legal right to observe Saturday as a holy day and Sunday as a secular day ought not to be called in question in free America, by any civil authority. It would …

4988 The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church, p. 4.7 (Walter Edwin Read)

… the legal economy, heaven’s glorious light made plain the footsteps of the Redeemer. Seers beheld the Star of Bethlehem, the Shiloh to come, as future things …

4989 The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church, p. 105 (Walter Edwin Read)

3. The Legal Witness for or Against Another. ( Deuteronomy 19:16, 18 .)

4990 How the Spirit of Prophecy Met a Crisis, p. 76.4 (William Ambrose Spicer)

… . A legal meeting had been appointed for a certain evening to re-incorporate the legal body which held the church property. It appears that in Michigan corporations …

4991 How the Spirit of Prophecy Met a Crisis, p. 76.5 (William Ambrose Spicer)

… the legal meeting with our men in a discouraged state to begin with, it would be practically impossible to bring anything to pass. I was praying very earnestly …

4992 How the Spirit of Prophecy Met a Crisis, p. 77.3 (William Ambrose Spicer)

… that legal meeting with victory in our hearts. In spite of the opposition that was met with, a complete victory was won. The tabernacle administration was …

4993 The Story of our Health Message, p. 151.4 (Dores Eugene Robinson)

… the legal procedure in forming a corporation to hold the property of the Western Health Reform Institute. The brethren were told that the only state law …

4994 The Story of our Health Message, p. 325.3 (Dores Eugene Robinson)

… then legally necessary to dissolve the corporation and to sell the property by auction to the highest bidder. The sale was put off until July 1, 1898.

4995 The Story of our Health Message, p. 403.6 (Dores Eugene Robinson)

… obtain legal recognition for the practice of medicine. But the work begun in faith was continued in faith. We have seen the hesitant recognition by the responsible …