Search for: sodom
481 The Home Missionary November 1, 1893, paragraph 3
… of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the days when the Son of man is revealed.”
482 The Home Missionary December 1, 1894, paragraph 2
… left Sodom, but joyfully, for Christ's sake, and because it is the right thing to do, then the work will go forward with power. Let nothing, however dear, however …
483 Lake Union Herald April 7, 1909, paragraph 2
… from Sodom and Gomorrah as you can. Keep out of the large cities. If possible, make your home in the quiet retirement of the country, even if you never can become …
484 Lake Union Herald February 7, 1912, paragraph 2
… of Sodom and Gomorrah. It was also represented to me that there were other places near Chicago, but away from the city, which the Lord would have His people secure …
485 The New York Indicator March 7, 1900, paragraph 3
… to Sodom or Gomorrah, or they would not have perished in their sins. We have superior advantages, and we shall be judged by the light and privileges of the times …
486 The Present Truth (UK) February 14, 1895, paragraph 10
… of Sodom. But never was this proved to so great an extent as in the agony of Christ, the Son of the infinite God, when He bore the wrath of God for a sinful world. It …
487 The Present Truth (UK) March 4, 1897, paragraph 1
… of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.”
488 The Present Truth (UK) June 1, 1899, paragraph 2
… veritable Sodom, and its inhabitants as the inhabitants of the old world. In the greed for possession, God's law is transgressed but retribution will overtake …
489 The Present Truth (UK) November 14, 1901, paragraph 1
Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hands of the poor and needy.
490 Southern Union Worker October 16, 1913, paragraph 13
… , when Sodom's corruption called for the angel's visit to that wicked city, to see whether the cries coming up before heaven were of such a character that the …
491 Southern Union Worker October 16, 1913, paragraph 15
… from Sodom to which he could flee. What unbelief he manifested! His faith was very weak. But God in his mercy spared Zoar, in answer to Lot's petitions.
492 Southern Union Worker October 16, 1913, paragraph 16
The result of their going to Zoar is plainly recorded in the Scriptures. All the cities surrounding Sodom were corrupted with the sins of the Sodomites.
493 Southern Union Worker October 16, 1913, paragraph 17
… in Sodom. Yet Lot could have preserved his family from many evils had he not made his home in that wicked, polluted city. All that Lot and his family did in Sodom …
494 The Review and Herald November 26, 1861, paragraph 4
… age. Sodom and Gomorrah will rise up in the judgment and condemn this generation, for if they had been privileged with the light which now shines upon the inhabitants …
495 The Review and Herald March 12, 1872, paragraph 15
… sister Sodom, pride, fullness of bread, and abundance of idleness, was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.”
496 The Review and Herald October 11, 1881, paragraph 4
… of Sodom and Gomorrah. The prayer may well be offered daily by those who have the fear of God before them, that he will preserve their hearts from evil desires …
497 The Review and Herald October 25, 1881, paragraph 9
… of Sodom. The true follower of Christ will not do as the wicked worldlings do, because it is fashionable to be sinful. His soul will be vexed and indignant at …
498 The Review and Herald March 28, 1882, paragraph 15
… in Sodom before its destruction. How dangerous, how presumptuous, then, for us to enter the same path which has led so many to ruin!
499 The Review and Herald November 14, 1882, paragraph 4
… chose Sodom for his home because he saw advantages to be gained there from a worldly point of view. But after he had established himself, and grown rich in earthly …
500 The Review and Herald November 14, 1882, paragraph 5
… in Sodom were corrupt; vile conversation greeted his ears daily, and his righteous soul was vexed by the violence and crime which he was powerless to prevent …