Search for: should have all its work done

481 Testimony for the Church — No. 30, p. 166.1 (Ellen Gould White)

… adornment. All this involves so much time and labor that many are obliged to hire their work done, at twice what it would have cost had the garments been made …

482 Testimony for the Church — No. 31, p. 30.2 (Ellen Gould White)

… who have had a religious experience should seek to shield the young from his devices. They should never forget that they themselves were once enchanted …

483 Testimony for the Church — No. 31, p. 33.1 (Ellen Gould White)

… wonderful works that he hath done.”

484 Testimony for the Church — No. 31, p. 176.2 (Ellen Gould White)

… do it; but they do not cultivate, as all children should, the faculty of seeing what needs to be done, and doing it without being told.

485 Testimony for the Church — No. 32, p. 10.3 (Ellen Gould White)

branches of the work, in all places where the truth has gained a foothold. The work done thoroughly for one soul is done for many. But the ministers have not …

486 Testimony for the Church — No. 32, p. 30.3 (Ellen Gould White)

… us work in harmony with God. His servants have a message to bear to money-lovers; why should they not bear a close testimony in regard to bringing all the tithes …

487 Testimony for the Church — No. 32, p. 130.3 (Ellen Gould White)

… important work to be done aside from that of preaching. Had this been done, as God designed it should be, there would have been many more laborers in the field …

488 Testimony for the Church — No. 32, p. 169.3 (Ellen Gould White)

I have passed through the Office, and have been shown how the angels of God look upon the work done in the various rooms. In some the condition of things is better …

489 Testimony for the Church — No. 32, p. 171.1 (Ellen Gould White)

should be some one to see that the youth, as they enter the Office to learn trades, have prompt and proper attention. A man should be employed for this work who …

490 Testimony for the Church — No. 33, p. 22.3 (Ellen Gould White)

… not have that deep, earnest piety in their borders that they should have. Our present habits and customs, which dishonor God, and bring the sacred and heavenly …

491 Testimony for the Church — No. 33, p. 56.2 (Ellen Gould White)

… haphazard work has been done, and minds have not been exercised to their fullest capacity. Our ministers will have to defend the truth against base apostates …

492 Testimony for the Church — No. 33, p. 91.2 (Ellen Gould White)

… up all but a small royalty, he has done a good work for those who handle the book, and he should not be asked to do more. God has not placed upon the publishing Board …

493 Testimony for the Church — No. 33, p. 98.4 (Ellen Gould White)

… they should manifest to the world the sanctifying power of grace. God forbid that you should, by precept or example, bar the way to this essential work. Will …

494 Testimony for the Church — No. 33, p. 110.2 (Ellen Gould White)

… ones have borne. We have lost time in neglecting to bring young men to the front, and give them a higher, more solid education. The work is constantly advancing …

495 Testimony for the Church — No. 33, p. 125.1 (Ellen Gould White)

… of work to be done, and but little time in which to do it. Let it be your life-work to inspire all with the thought that they have a work to do for Christ. Wherever …

496 Testimony for the Church — No. 33, p. 246.2 (Ellen Gould White)

have not been influenced by these danger signals as they should have been. Had our brethren used the Sentinel as it was their privilege to do, and had all been …

497 The Advocate March 1, 1899, paragraph 4

… being done that should have been done years ago. I viewed the work advancing. In the basement of the church, above ground, room was provided for a school where …

498 The Advocate May 1, 1899, paragraph 10

… they have not been educated for practical work. Students should remember that the first interest is to make themselves practical, all-round, useful men and …

499 The Advocate April 1, 1900, paragraph 2

should have the tenderest and most kindly feelings for the sister institution. The work done in one is as much the Lord's work as the work done in the …

500 The Advocate December 1, 1900, paragraph 7

… who have sought to do God's will, having laid out every talent to the best advantage, become wise in working for the kingdom of God. They learn lessons of the …