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481 Synopsis of the Present Truth

… ON CHAPTER TWELVE. 11. How many times is that word used in the New Testament? 12. Give the texts of its occurrence. 13. By what word is it usually rendered? 14. To what …

482 Synopsis of the Present Truth

… ON CHAPTER THIRTEEN. 12. Is hades the place of punishment? 13. What is the place of punishment? 14. What is hades ? 15. What was carried into Abraham’s bosom? 16. When …

483 Synopsis of the Present Truth

… compared? 17. What is the analogy between death and sleep? 18. What does this show concerning our condition in death? 19. What does Job say in chapter 14:21 ? 20. What …

484 Synopsis of the Present Truth

… ON CHAPTER FIFTEEN. 12. By whom is the contempt spoken of exercised? 13. How does the Syriac read? 14. In Matthew 24:41, what is said to be everlasting? 15. Why is the …

485 Synopsis of the Present Truth

… ON CHAPTER SIXTEEN. 12. If we throw the beginning of these plagues ages in the past, as some demand, where must we put the message? 13. What, then, becomes of the leopard …

487 Synopsis of the Present Truth

… ON CHAPTER SEVENTEEN. 16. What is the teaching of Matthew 24:14 ? 17. Do Isaiah 2:3, 4 and Micah 4:1 record what the Lord says, or what “the people” say? 18. What shows how …

488 Synopsis of the Present Truth

… follows? 17. What do the expressions “coming of Christ” and “the end,” as found in this chapter, refer to? 18. Of how many sections is the chapter composed? and what verses …

489 Synopsis of the Present Truth

… ON CHAPTER NINETEEN. 16. What does this prove in reference to the churches? 17. Why, then, were these seven particular churches taken as the ones to whom to address …

490 Synopsis of the Present Truth

QUESTIONS ON CHAPTER TWENTY. 17. What time does it cover? 18. To what work do the symbols employed appropriately refer? 19. What did John see when the fifth seal was opened? 20. What is this passage supposed to prove?

491 Synopsis of the Present Truth

… ON CHAPTER TWENTY ONE 7. By what was it fulfilled? 8. When did it commence? 9. Why is it described as hail and fire mingled with blood? 10. What scene does the second …

492 Synopsis of the Present Truth

… ON CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO. 12. What did Martin Luther say respecting these? 13. When was the sun darkened? 14. When was the sign in the moon fulfilled? 15. When did the …

493 Synopsis of the Present Truth

QUESTIONS ON CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE 16. What is its true character? 17. What do the Scriptures teach us respecting the dead? 18. What is Spiritualism’s first claim? 19. What does this determine as to is character?

494 Synopsis of the Present Truth

… ON CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR. 13. How much has he already accomplished? 14. What remains to be done? 15. On what does the resurrection of the dead depend? 16. What does Christ …

495 Synopsis of the Present Truth

… ON CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE 7. What was its nature? 8. What name is given to this law? 9. How long was it to continue? 10. What was its design? 11. For what purpose did the people …

496 Synopsis of the Present Truth

QUESTIONS ON CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX. 16. What shows this? 17. What material have we here for a first-day Sabbath?

497 Synopsis of the Present Truth

QUESTIONS ON CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN. 15. What three events in the history of the first advent represent three steps in the sinner’s conversion? 16. What is the instrument by which the sinner is slain? 17. What does Paul mean by the word “law?”

498 Synopsis of the Present Truth

… ON CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT. 16. What source do all the diversities of gifts have in common? 17. What different operations are here mentioned? 18. By what does Paul …

499 Synopsis of the Present Truth

… ON CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE 11. How many times the word “elect?” 12. What is the meaning of the word “election?” 13. Who are therefore “the elect?” 14. What is the question to …

500 Synopsis of the Present Truth

… ON CHAPTER THIRTY. 12. By what are the people of God in the former dispensation represented? 13. What did the twelve branches signify? 14. What became of these …