Search for: gospel

49761 The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts, p. 146.1 (Lewis Harrison Christian)

… the gospel of the kingdom, and whom God had laid in the grave to save them, came up to us and asked us what we had passed through while they were sleeping. We tried …

49762 The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts, p. 172.2 (Lewis Harrison Christian)

… . The gospel demands from every human being an unreserved consecration to God, of both body and soul, with all their energies and capabilities, throughout …

49763 The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts, p. 173.3 (Lewis Harrison Christian)

… genuine gospel literature the people have ever seen. Thus the Spirit of prophecy is a wellspring of spiritual blessing to this generation.

49764 The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts, p. 181.4 (Lewis Harrison Christian)

… the gospel should be preached to all these people. She defended them against oppression, and urged that they have the same chance as others to hear the blessed …

49765 The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts, p. 183.2 (Lewis Harrison Christian)

… the gospel and the advent hope belong alike to all nations, because, as Jesus said, “All ye are brethren.” The advent message goes to “every nation, and kindred, and …

49766 The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts, p. 183.3 (Lewis Harrison Christian)

… the gospel of Christ as set forth in the Spirit of prophecy. They have ruined the world and if permitted would bring deadly harm to the advent movement.

49767 The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts, p. 186.8 (Lewis Harrison Christian)

… the gospel of peace. God has not laid upon any one the burden of encouraging an appetite for strange, odd doctrines and theories. My brethren, keep these things …

49768 The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts, p. 198.2 (Lewis Harrison Christian)

… the gospel. In response to this testimony at the meeting of the Battle Creek church board held Thursday evening, January 14, 1897, the following resolutions …

49769 The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts, p. 198.6 (Lewis Harrison Christian)

… the gospel in China as it did to the preaching of the gospel in America. This aroused much discussion, and here, again, the Spirit of prophecy gave most helpful …

49770 The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts, p. 206.2 (Lewis Harrison Christian)

… perfect gospel light departed from the faith, and every reformation or spiritual awakening and movement since has done the same, but we believe the remnant …

49771 The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts, p. 241.4 (Lewis Harrison Christian)

… the gospel and that is the third angel’s message. This is the word of the Wonderful Counselor.

49772 The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts, p. 246.1 (Lewis Harrison Christian)

… of gospel activities. Like a giant oak with spreading branches, these messages have shielded and built up the Adventist Church. When the Harvest Ingathering …

49773 The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts, p. 251.2 (Lewis Harrison Christian)

… the gospel, by which they meant the work of the ministry. James White, the first great leader among us, on the other hand, instructed by the messages from the Lord …

49774 The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts, p. 255.3 (Lewis Harrison Christian)

… the gospel regulate every fee. Let mercy and love of God be written on every dollar received.’ ...

49775 The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts, p. 262.3 (Lewis Harrison Christian)

… of gospel finance as taught in the New Testament were stated over again to us by the messenger of the Lord, and this light is the secret of our church prosperity …

49777 The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts, p. 269.3 (Lewis Harrison Christian)

… the gospel approach. Our purpose was not merely to secure exemption from persecution for the Adventists. Our duty was to preach the doctrine of religious …

49778 The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts, p. 272.1 (Lewis Harrison Christian)

… the gospel work of saving the lost. We are not to neglect that for political affairs. We read:

49779 The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts, p. 275.1 (Lewis Harrison Christian)

“When I preach the gospel of Christ in Norway I love to have the flag of Norway up in front near where I stand when speaking.”

49780 The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts, p. 289.4 (Lewis Harrison Christian)

… , and gospel missionary work. It is not to be either a Seventh-day Adventist or a Methodist or a Baptist or any other sectarian school, but a Christian medical …