Search for: gospel

49721 In Defense of the Faith, p. 258.2 (William Henry Branson)

… the gospel, at death it becomes forever too late. The gospel commission is limited to this life. All preparation for eternity must be made this side of the grave …

49722 In Defense of the Faith, p. 263.2 (William Henry Branson)

… the gospel they can, under his leadership, now gain by force. Surely they have the advantage of superior numbers. Why should they not capture this city, and make …

49723 In Defense of the Faith, p. 270.2 (William Henry Branson)

… the gospel; i.e., that remission of sins is essential to eternal life, and can be secured only through the shed blood of the Lamb of God, who would die as a ransom …

49724 In Defense of the Faith, p. 271.1 (William Henry Branson)

… the gospel dispensation. Christ is stated to be a “High Priest of ... a greater and more perfect tabernacle.” He ministers not “the blood of goats and calves,” but “His …

49725 In Defense of the Faith, p. 292.4 (William Henry Branson)

… His gospel, they had rejected the only means of salvation, and God could no longer count them His chosen people. Soon after this it was boldly announced that …

49726 In Defense of the Faith, p. 299.2 (William Henry Branson)

… the gospel of God?” 1 Peter 4:17 .

49727 In Defense of the Faith, p. 299.4 (William Henry Branson)

… everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and …

49728 In Defense of the Faith, p. 312.3 (William Henry Branson)

… the gospel. They further saw that this reform message would be similar to the work of Elijah, and would call men everywhere to the keeping of the commandments …

49729 In Defense of the Faith, p. 313.3 (William Henry Branson)

“This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Matthew 24:14 .

49730 In Defense of the Faith, p. 314.2 (William Henry Branson)

… everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and …

49731 In Defense of the Faith, p. 321.1 (William Henry Branson)

… training gospel workers who could go everywhere with the message; and sanitariums and hospitals were founded for the relief of the sick and suffering, these …

49733 In Defense of the Faith, p. 325.1 (William Henry Branson)

… last gospel message to the far corners of the earth. The “blessed hope” of the soon coming of the Lord to put an end to sin and suffering buoys them up in the face …

49734 In Defense of the Faith, p. 339.5 (William Henry Branson)

… volume Gospel Workers insists upon a standard of purity and holiness for the ministry unsurpassed by any other publication, and the volumes of counsels …

49735 In Defense of the Faith, p. 362.3 (William Henry Branson)

… the gospel they so definitely held that it was only for Israel that they took Peter to task for preaching to the Gentiles. Peter himself had gone to preach …

49736 In Defense of the Faith, p. 382.1 (William Henry Branson)

… first gospel sermon the villagers had ever heard. And what is true of the work of Seventh-day Adventists in Africa is true of their work in the cannibal islands …

49737 In Defense of the Faith, p. 387.1 (William Henry Branson)

… the gospel, and in reality, placed himself on the side of the opposers of the truth. Every argument that he has advanced against the doctrines of the Seventh …

49738 In Defense of the Faith, p. 389.1 (William Henry Branson)

… the gospel in the last days is a matter of prophecy, and it is progressive. “The path of the just is as the shining light, that shines more and more unto the perfect …

49739 In Defense of the Faith, p. 390.2 (William Henry Branson)

… everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and …

49740 In Defense of the Faith, p. 395.5 (William Henry Branson)

“The people must be made to understand that the Ten Commandments are still binding, and that there is a penalty attached to their violation. We do not want a gospel of mere sentiment. The sermon on the mount did not blot out the Ten Commandments.