Search for: gospel

49341 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 8, 1913, page 320 paragraph 7

… the gospel, love so strong and so constant that all things else are being sacrificed to the one work of proclaiming the Advent message to all the world in this …

49342 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 8, 1913, page 320 paragraph 27

[To be sung to the music in “The Gospel Male Choir,” No. 100. The Gospel Publishing Co., 5418 Cedar Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.]

49343 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 9, 1913, page 322 paragraph 31

… the gospel comes to those who take these blessings of God, and make themselves channels of light and blessing to their fellow men. That is the spirit of Jesus …

49345 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 9, 1913, page 329 paragraph 8

The gospel must be preached in all the world, before Christ comes. The false doctrines of theosophy, Spiritualism, and kindred errors are sweeping over our …

49346 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 9, 1913, page 329 paragraph 9

The gospel demands holiness, righteousness. The wicked must forsake his ways, his thoughts. He who truly has the hope of the soon-coming of Christ in his heart …

49347 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 9, 1913, page 330 paragraph 12

… the gospel: the object sought is to deliver those who are under the power of Satan, and to reconcile them unto God; this is to be accomplished by preaching the …

49348 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 9, 1913, page 330 paragraph 15

1. Recommend, (a) That those who are ordained to preach the word devote themselves as fully as possible to the work of the gospel ministry.

49349 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 9, 1913, page 333 paragraph 6

Whereas, Medical missionary work is in no case to be divorced from the gospel ministry; and,—

49350 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 9, 1913, page 333 paragraph 11

(c) That all our evangelical laborers make diligent study of the gospel plan of combined medical and evangelistic work as revealed in the life of Christ and emphasized in the testimonies, and seek to make the plan a reality in our evangelistic labor.

49352 Membership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church of Battle Creek, Mich., p. 10.2 (Battle Creek Seventh-day Adventist Church)

… the gospel among men should be contributed from love to God and love of souls, not raised by lotteries, fairs, or festivals; that the tithe of one’s earnings …

49353 Membership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church of Battle Creek, Mich., p. 10.8 (Battle Creek Seventh-day Adventist Church)

… the gospel dispensation; and there is the strongest evidence that the spirit of prophecy has been manifested among those who keeping the commandments …

49354 Membership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church of Battle Creek, Mich., p. 11.1 (Battle Creek Seventh-day Adventist Church)

… the gospel is symbolized by the three messages of Revelation 14, the last message bringing to view the reform on the law of God, that his children might obtain …

49355 Membership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church of Battle Creek, Mich., p. 10.5 (Battle Creek Seventh-day Adventist Church)

… everlasting gospel of Christ our Saviour into all the world. It is to give the people of all nations the light and knowledge of our Lord’s second coming, which …

49356 Membership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church of Battle Creek, Mich., p. 14.5 (Battle Creek Seventh-day Adventist Church)

… the gospel should be contributed from love to God and not raised by lotteries, fairs, or festivals; that the tithe of one’s earnings belongs wholly to God (see …

49357 Membership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church of Battle Creek, Mich., p. 15.1 (Battle Creek Seventh-day Adventist Church)

… the gospel dispensation; and there is the strongest evidence that the spirit of prophecy has been manifested among those who keep the commandments of God …

49358 Membership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church of Battle Creek, Mich., p. 15.3 (Battle Creek Seventh-day Adventist Church)

… the gospel is symbolized by the three messages of Revelation 14, the last message bringing to view the Sabbath reform on the law of God, that his children may …

49359 Membership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church of Battle Creek, Mich., p. 15.4 (Battle Creek Seventh-day Adventist Church)

… the gospel, and is a time of investigative judgment, first with reference to the righteous dead, and secondly, at the close of probation, with reference to the …

49360 Advent Pioneers Biographical Sketches and Pictures, p. 14.3 (Herbert E. Douglass)

… the gospel. It was suggested that if books were offered to the people in public in connection with preaching services, the people would be willing to buy and …