Search for: gospel

49321 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 5, 1913, page 277 paragraph 10

(c) That all our evangelical laborers make diligent study of the gospel plan of combined medical and evangelistic work as revealed in the life of Christ and emphasized in the testimonies, and seek to make the plan a reality in our evangelistic labor.

49322 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 5, 1913, page 281 paragraph 5

… the gospel, The injunction is to “endure hardness as good soldiers.” And the spirit that said, “Neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my …

49323 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 5, 1913, page 283 paragraph 4

… the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to reach the conclusion that the world is to be regenerated by regenerated men and women and not by regenerated laws and ordinances …

49324 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 5, 1913, page 283 paragraph 11

… the gospel of Christ. Let her use weapons, but let those weapons be taken from the armory of heaven, the weapons spiritual. Let the church plead and entreat, but …

49325 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 5, 1913, page 285 paragraph 2

… the gospel of Christ. It seems as if all through this country there should be an army of faithful, discreet nurses in this line of work. Why should all the tithe …

49326 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 5, 1913, page 286 paragraph 7

… illustrate gospel truths. What could have touched David’s heart, and made him see his sin in its true light, as did the prophet Nathan’s story of the poor man …

49327 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 5, 1913, page 286 paragraph 14

… the gospel to the whole thirsty world. The General Conference treasury is always in desperate need of means. No matter how liberal the offerings, the increasing …

49328 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 5, 1913, page 288 paragraph 33

… the gospel. The pavilion was full, and crowds stood for sat about on the outside. The entire program was well rendered, and the occasion was one of profit.

49329 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 6, 1913, page 295 paragraph 1

… the gospel light that has been caused to shine on our pathway. Of course we shall miss the laborers who have so faithfully proclaimed the message among us …

49330 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 6, 1913, page 296 paragraph 4

… the gospel they must certainly be acquainted with its precepts, and that their special that they may be aided in making a living. Unless there is some material …

49331 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 6, 1913, page 298 paragraph 10

… the gospel message to the islands of the sea? While the message of salvation is being proclaimed to the remotest bounds of the earth, shall the islands sit …

49332 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 6, 1913, page 300 paragraph 11

… began gospel work, trying to repair that which had already been builded. Failing to realize our expectations, the meetings were discontinued, and we began …

49333 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 6, 1913, page 302 paragraph 9

Addresses by L. R. Conradi and J. W. Westphal. Topic, “How to Reach Roman Catholics With the Gospel Message.”

49334 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 6, 1913, page 303 paragraph 1

… the gospel; therefore the conference committee should have full sympathy in devising, promoting, and supporting plans and efforts for the circulation …

49335 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 6, 1913, page 304 paragraph 10

The only means of rescue from all these evils is the gospel of Jesus Christ. The principles of healthful living committed to the chosen people of God in this age ought to make the church conspicuous for the part it plays in physical regeneration.

49336 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 8, 1913, page 307 paragraph 9

… the gospel of Christ before them. Sometimes in our homes I think we are too ardent to talk the truth, while we fail to live the truth. Sometimes our religious …

49337 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 8, 1913, page 313 paragraph 20

… of gospel organization and support. As illustrating the change that comes over the home when the father is converted to this truth, I will relate an incident …

49340 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 8, 1913, page 319 paragraph 21

As Christians, we are endeavoring to extend the blessings of the gospel throughout the world. We maintain that God and his Word are supreme in all things spiritual, recognize civil government as of divine ordinance, and honor all in authority.