Search for: gospel

49301 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 2, 1913, page 232 paragraph 4

… the gospel to the very ends of the world. A few years ago, when that testimony referred to was read, one good brother came to me and said, “Now, you men must all get …

49302 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 2, 1913, page 240 paragraph 2

… four gospels the gospel of Luke gives us the clearest and fullest insight into the private, devotional life of our Lord. Luke recorded the earthly life of …

49303 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 2, 1913, page 240 paragraph 7

… the gospel of John, that wonderful prayer for the unity of his followers, which has been so wonderfully fulfilled in our midst here at this Conference. We must …

49304 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 2, 1913, page 240 paragraph 16

… the gospel upon the hearts of the heathen, and how self-sacrificing these people are when they become converted, and, in proportion to means, how much larger …

49305 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 3, 1913, page 250 paragraph 4

… the Gospels, some tribes with all the New Testament, a few with the complete Bible. Among the natives we find a general awakening and desire for education.

49306 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 3, 1913, page 250 paragraph 6

… the Gospels in the regular teachers’ course of four years. All the first year I watched his unfolding mind. He was feeling after God, almost unconsciously. He …

49307 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 3, 1913, page 251 paragraph 1

… of gospel truth and the third angel’s message. The very best I could do was to cut out fourteen, leaving twenty-six who were baptized in the mountain stream …

49308 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 3, 1913, page 251 paragraph 6

… the gospel, to help them, and to lead them to Christ. Some have said to me, Is not it awful to be in Africa among all the black people, and not be able to see a white face …

49309 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 3, 1913, page 252 paragraph 9

… the gospel not only reaches to the individual’s mind and soul, but that it takes hold of the physical nature as well.

49310 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 3, 1913, page 252 paragraph 10

No gospel can be applied without this, especially in the last generation of men, because there is a specific work to be done by us, and for us. We must be led to realize …

49311 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 3, 1913, page 252 paragraph 11

… the gospel does not have anything to do with the physical side of the question; but I am glad that the idea is being brought among us more and more now that there …

49312 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 4, 1913, page 260 paragraph 22

The object of this conference is to teach all nations the everlasting gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

49313 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 4, 1913, page 265 paragraph 5

… the gospel of Jesus Christ, is for those who are not in trouble to help the unfortunate. Now, brethren let us take hold of the plan for the relief of our institutions …

49315 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 4, 1913, page 267 paragraph 10

… the gospel in his right hand, or the missionary, O where would we be? But if Jesus Christ holds the worker in his right hand, ought not we to uphold our fellow-worker …

49316 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 4, 1913, page 268 paragraph 15

… do gospel work. He wanted to go back to Russia as a self-supporting missionary. We all thought he was too old, and that he would be hindered by his stuttering. But …

49317 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 4, 1913, page 268 paragraph 16

… attend gospel meetings; and they often say, too, that in winter it is too cold, and in summer too hot, and in rainy weather too muddy. But I believe God is willing …

49318 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 4, 1913, page 269 paragraph 10

… the gospel without difficulty. We had liberty. For seven days I journeyed on the train, and preached from place to place. I traveled until I reached the very …

49319 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 4, 1913, page 269 paragraph 12

… the gospel appealed to us. We set out to begin work in German East Africa, where there were from seven to ten million natives. I went to Berlin in the hope of securing …

49320 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 5, 1913, page 277 paragraph 5

Whereas, Medical missionary work is in no case to be divorced from the gospel ministry; and,—