Search for: gospel

49281 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 May 30, 1913, page 197 paragraph 2

… , strong gospel workers, teachers, and leaders in gospel work, so that every one of these institutions shall be an important training-center for missionary …

49282 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 May 30, 1913, page 203 paragraph 14

… the gospel message. Nowhere can there be obtained a knowledge of the pure, true principles of physiological therapeutics and rational medicine except …

49284 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 1, 1913, page 212 paragraph 12

… the gospel. There are so many places where the third angel’s message has never been preached. The republic of Colombia has no worker.

49285 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 1, 1913, page 213 paragraph 15

… glorious gospel to its full triumph.

49286 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 1, 1913, page 214 paragraph 1

… everlasting gospel to the benighted souls scattered over the vast expanse of the South American territory.

49287 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 1, 1913, page 214 paragraph 2

… last gospel message at our hands, in order that some among them may be prepared for the Master’s coming.

49288 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 1, 1913, page 216 paragraph 18

The object of this division mission is to teach all nations the everlasting gospel of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

49289 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 1, 1913, page 217 paragraph 31

… the gospel; the object sought is to deliver those who are under the power of Satan, and to reconcile them unto God; this is to be accomplished by preaching the …

49290 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 1, 1913, page 217 paragraph 34

19. Recommend, 1 That those who are ordained to preach the word devote themselves wholly to the work of the gospel ministry.

49291 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 1, 1913, page 220 paragraph 27

… of “Gospel Workers.” We are also gathering into chapters what mother has written on Old Testament history. Probably nine tenths of this work is already done …

49292 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 1, 1913, page 221 paragraph 12

… ? The gospel must be preached to the Jews today. The appeals that were made to them by the apostles, will have great weight now. This book should be of value to the …

49294 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 1, 1913, page 221 paragraph 18

… , expansive gospel today is because they are old wine-skins; they are creed bound. But he who gives the new wine can make the old wine-skins new.

49295 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 1, 1913, page 223 paragraph 2

… the gospel,” she said. “He must be willing to sacrifice himself for others who will claim his time and attention, and also his practical sympathy.” She divided …

49296 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 2, 1913, page 228 paragraph 19

(1) That those who are ordained to preach the word devote themselves as fully as possible to the work of the gospel ministry.

49297 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 2, 1913, page 229 paragraph 2

… the gospel ministry. When we have our conference work outlined so that the conference is a great evangelical board, and that is the aim and purpose,—then it …

49298 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 2, 1913, page 231 paragraph 5

… the gospel. I do not think anybody would understand this to mean a radical change immediately, but a definite policy to work to, to bring about just as rapidly …

49299 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 2, 1913, page 231 paragraph 11

… the gospel, a conference president, shall not have his time taken up with these matters. And I think that is being done, and will be done more fully, as the recommendation …

49300 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7 June 2, 1913, page 232 paragraph 2

… the gospel ministry goes on; I know that the good boards go on, and that the conferences go on; and I am very happy to know that everything goes along well without …