Search for: Choice

4841 The American Sentinel 13 May 19, 1898, page 305 paragraph 8

THE choice is laid before every person in the world, of denying self or denying God. He must do one or the other.

4842 The American Sentinel 13 June 2, 1898, page 338 paragraph 13

He will be safe in that day who is behind the Lord of hosts. The winds of the final commotion are held by the angels in the “four corners of the earth” until the final choice of the people in the earth is made. Revelation 7:1-3 .

4843 The American Sentinel 13 June 2, 1898, page 338 paragraph 14

… a choice for every person to make in this matter. There is a choice to be made by you. Will you choose the means of safety that are being provided by the world? Will …

4844 The American Sentinel 13 June 30, 1898, page 407 paragraph 3

… a choice ‘red-lattice’ phrase.”

4846 The American Sentinel 13 July 28, 1898, page 454 paragraph 15

… the choice of another’s mind, and hence without any necessity of possessing any mind of his own. In that way God could have made it impossible for man to have …

4848 The American Sentinel 14 March 16, 1899, page 162 paragraph 3

… own choice, the sentence of eternal death.

4849 The American Sentinel 14 March 16, 1899, page 162 paragraph 6

… the choice: and so does everybody else who is of God, and who has any of the Spirit of God.

4850 The American Sentinel 14 May 4, 1899, page 275 paragraph 1

… a choice of Christ. But to count these countries Christian countries when they are not such at all, and to give the people in heathen countries the idea that …

4851 The American Sentinel 14 September 7, 1899, page 547 paragraph 7

The Spirit of Christ, or the spirit of politics—by our choice between them will be determined the position we shall occupy in that day.

4852 The American Sentinel 14 November 30, 1899, page 737 paragraph 6

MORAL and religious accountability cannot exist apart from moral and religious freedom. No one can be held responsible for that in which he can exercise no choice.

4853 The American Sentinel 15 March 22, 1900, page 178 paragraph 3

… of choice with which the Creator has endowed every man, is also a necessity. If it had not been such the Creator would not have bestowed it upon the human family …

4854 The American Sentinel 15 April 26, 1900, page 257 paragraph 8

THE physical needs of mankind do not demand rest upon Sunday more than upon any other day of the week; and the moral needs of mankind demand freedom of choice in the selection of the day.

4855 Appeal from the U. S. Supreme Court Decision Making this “A Christian Nation”, p. 7.5 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

… private choice or voluntary obligation. This being done, all partial and invidious distinctions will be abolished, to the great honor and interest of the …

4856 Appeal from the U. S. Supreme Court Decision Making this “A Christian Nation”, p. 31.4 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

… free choice to follow that mode of worship which they may wish;” “that each may have the privilege to select and to worship whatsoever divinity he pleases;” and …

4857 Arguments on the Breckinridge Sunday Bill, p. 7.1 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

… his choice between two things offered him, but if he chooses to do that which he believes to be wrong, the act is entirely voluntary on his part. If any man has …

4858 Arguments on the Breckinridge Sunday Bill, p. 17.3 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

… his choice, I believe that God has never given credentials to anyone, to enforce a religious rite upon another. But that is what the promoters of this measure …

4859 Bible Echo and Signs of the Times, vol. 1 May 1886, page 74 paragraph 2

… . This choice has been made, and is being made by thousands as the days go by. If there were about this man-made institution the merit of the precept of Jonadab …

4860 The Bible Echo, vol. 10 July 15, 1895, page 217 paragraph 8

… the choice of a terrible death or unity with Rome. On the night of August 7, the English loaded eight ships with combustible material, smeared their masts with …