Search for: Choice

4481 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Sorek, Valley of.2

… the choice (soreq) vine" (see VINE ); sorech): "(Samson) loved a woman in the valley of Sorek, whose name was Delilah" ( Judges 16:4 ). Jerome (OS, 153 f, 6) mentions a Capharsorec …

4482 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Tax; Taxing.40

… ). The choice of Levi as a disciple ( Matthew 10:3, etc.) and the conversion of Zaccheus ( Luke 19:8 f), of whom Jesus speaks so beautifully as a son of Abraham ( Luke 19:9 ), justified …

4483 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Text and Manuscripts of the New Testament.94

… manuscripts choice must be made and a standard set, and in view of the material at hand it is remarkable how ably the work was done. It began in Spain under Cardinal …

4484 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Text of the Old Testament.141

… a choice of readings ( Psalms 62:4; 68:3, and often).

4485 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Thigh.4

… its choice as a sacrificial potion ( Exodus 29:22, etc.; on the "heave thigh" see SACRIFICE). Consequently, it is natural to find the thigh classed as forbidden ("sacred …

4486 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Timothy.13

… the choice of Timothy as assistant of Paul and Silvanus, and his consecration to this work with prayer and the laying on of hands (compare Acts 13:2 f). The laying …

4487 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Tongue.4

… a choice morsel around in his mouth so as to extract the utmost flavor. In Psalms 10:7; 66:17 (Revised Version margin), however "under the tongue" means "in readiness …

4488 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Uzziah; (Azariah).3

… glad choice of the people ( 2 Chronicles 26:1 ).

4489 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Vine.4

… :11, "choice vine"; compare SOREK, VALLEY OF (which see). The Hebrew is supposed to indicate dark grapes and, according to rabbinical tradition, they were unusually …

4490 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Vulgate.33

… pope's choice could not have fallen upon a more competent scholar--a man who had been providentially gifted and prepared for the task. Jerome--his Latin name …

4491 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Way.2

… human choice, without reference to either God or good ( Judges 2:19; Job 22:15; 34:21; Psalms 119:9; Proverbs 12:15; 16:2 ). Such a course is evil ( 2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalms …

4492 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Will, Volition.3

… active choice or purpose, boulomai, "passive inclination or willingness, or the inward predisposition from which the active choice proceeds" (compare Mark …

4493 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Woman.31

… , the choice inheritance of Hebrew womanhood, were foreign to the Greek conception of morality, and disappeared from Rome when Greek culture and frivolity …

4494 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Zebah and Zalmunna.4

… the choice of young men or lads as sacrificers in Exodus 24:5, and says that the Saracens also charged lads with the execution of their captives.

4495 Smith's Bible Dictionary, p. First-fruits.3 (William Smith)

… God’s choice, and there presented to the priest, who was to set the basket down before the altar. Deuteronomy 26:2-11. The offerings were the perequisite of the …

4496 Smith's Bible Dictionary, p. Israel Kingdom of.4 (William Smith)

… , the choice of half the people. ( b ) b.c. 929–884. For forty-five years Israel was governed by the house of Omri. The princes of his house cultivated an alliance with …

4497 Smith's Bible Dictionary, p. Jezre-el.3 (William Smith)

… his choice. In the neighborhood, or within the town probably, were a temple and grove of Astarte, with an establishment of 400 priests supported by Jezebel …

4498 Smith's Bible Dictionary, p. Judas Iscariot.2 (William Smith)

… . The choice was not made, we must remember, without a provision of its issue. John 6:64. The germs of the evil, in all likelihood, unfolded themselves gradually …

4499 Smith's Bible Dictionary, p. Marriage.5 (William Smith)

… . —The choice of the bride devolved not on the bridegroom himself, but on his relations or on a friend deputed by the bridegroom for this purpose. The consent …

4500 Smith's Bible Dictionary, p. Meals.2 (William Smith)

… more choice, 1 Samuel 9:24, portions than the rest. The meal was enlivened with music, singing, and dancing, 2 Samuel 19:35, or with riddles, Judges 14:12; and amid these …