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4461 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Redeemer; Redemption.20

… own choice. Vast masses of them seem to be here as the outworking of impulses almost blind. The surroundings of men make it very easy for them to sin. The tendencies …

4462 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Redeemer; Redemption.25

… free choice. He will show men His own feeling of holiness and love. In the name of a holy love which they can forever aspire after, but which they can never fully …

4463 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Revelation, 1-2.25

… Yahweh's choice of it rested solely on His gracious will. Nor was this people permitted to imagine that it was for its own sake alone that it had been singled …

4464 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Revelation, 3-4.5

… to choice on his own part, but to a call of God, obeyed often with reluctance; and he prophesies or forbears to prophesy, not according to his own will but as the …

4465 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Royal.2

… ," literally, choice morsels of the king, meaning fit for a king ( Genesis 49:20 ); "besides that which Solomon gave her of his royal bounty," literally, which he gave …

4466 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Rufus.2

… . "that choice Christian" (Denhey). Since all Christians are "chosen," this title must express some distinction. The mother of Rufus had played the mother's part …

4467 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Rump.2

… other choice portions were waved before the Lord and wholly burnt on the altar as a sweet savor unto Yahweh.

4468 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Salvation.50

… individual choice, yet the individual who accepted it entered into social relations with the others who had so chosen. So salvation involved admission …

4470 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Samuel.9

… the choice of David the son of Jesse, the Bethlehemite. And, in a later chapter (19:18-24), a second occasion is named on which the compelling spirit of prophecy …

4471 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Sanctuary.39

… the choice lay between interpreting the Law in this way or abandoning public worship altogether; for the synagogue with its non-sacrificial form of public …

4472 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Scribes.10

… , of choice, and of conduct. (2) By reducing the practice of religion to the form of law, all acts are placed on a paragraph with each other. The motives are no longer …

4473 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Sect.2

… ," i.e. "choice"); compare Septuagint Leviticus 22:18, 21 .

4474 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Sermon on the Mount.35

… , the choice of the twelve apostles, the descent with them into the presence of the multitude of His disciples and a great number of people from Judea, Jerusalem …

4475 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Shavsha.2

… David's choice of a foreigner for this post. Shavsha's two sons, Elihoreph and Ahijah, were secretaries of state under Solomon; they are called "sons of Shisha …

4476 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Sidon (2).3

… these choice articles are found in Homer, both in the Iliad and the Odyssey. Sidon had a monarchical form of government, as did all the Phoenician towns, but …

4477 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Slave; Slavery.20

… willing choice of indefinite slavery. The ceremony at such a time is interesting: "Then his master shall bring him unto the judges (margin), and shall bring him …

4478 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Solomon.37

… famous choice of a "hearing heart," i.e. an obedient heart, in preference to riches or long life. The vision took place at Gibeon ( 2 Chronicles 1:7, but in 1 Kings 3 …

4479 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Son of God, The.16

… gracious choice. Fourthly, it is applied to the kings of Israel, as representatives of the chosen nation. Thus, in 2 Samuel 7:14, Yahweh says of Solomon, "I will be …

4480 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Song of Songs.18

… Yahweh's choice of Israel to be His spouse. The Targum interprets Canticles as an allegory of the marital love of Yahweh and Israel. Origen made the allegorical …