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4441 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Parchments.4

… few choice volumes or rolls, some portions of the Scriptures of the Old Testament, some volumes of the Law of Moses or of the Prophets or of the Psalms. Among …

4442 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Pate.2

… the choice of the word lies evidently in the desire to make the Hebrew parallelism with "head" (ro'sh) apparent. The same object has, however, been achieved differently …

4443 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Paul, the Apostle, 4.25

… strange choice of a vessel to bear the message of Christ to the Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel ( Acts 9:15 ), but there was hope in the promise of chastisement …

4444 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Pentateuch, 2b.39

… the choice cannot be difficult. On the critical theory elaborate literary forgeries were accepted as genuine ancient laws; on the conservative theory …

4445 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Person of Christ, 1-3.43

… whole choice of the language in which our Lord's earthly life is described. It is because it is kept in mind that He still was "in the form of God," that is, that He …

4446 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Peter, Simon.29

… the choice of a successor to Judas ( Acts 1:15 - 26 ). On the day of Pentecost he preaches the first gospel sermon ( Acts 2:1 - 47 ), and later, in company with John, instrumentally …

4447 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Peter, the Second Epistle of.34

… made choice among you, that by my mouth the Gentiles should hear the word of the gospel, and believe" ( Acts 15:7 ).

4448 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Philippians, the Epistle to The.34

… their choice are radically different; and Paul lives with rejoicing while Hamlet lives in despair and in shame. The aged apostle would rather die than live …

4449 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Philo, Judaeus.17

… "God's choice," as distinct from His nature, could not suffice a mind trained in Hellenic methods. The question therefore was, How could mediation be effected …

4450 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Philosophy.30

… and choice of Israel. The covenants with Moses and Aaron established the Law and the priesthood, and that with David, the kingship. And the hope of the future …

4451 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Physician.6

… his choice of words. Sir W. Ramsay calls attention to the two words used of the healings at Melita in Acts 28:8 - 10 : for the cure of Publius' father the word used is …

4452 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Polygamy.9

… the choice of one man and one woman of each other for a life family relation. La Rochefoucauld said: "Hypocrisy is a sort of homage which vice pays to virtue." There …

4453 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Polygamy.14

… to choice of captives, and thus concubinage or what is the same thing--polygamy--would be set up. Successes in further wars come and add other women to be distributed …

4454 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Predestination.27

… free choice. Influence of God upon man's will is postulated, for its right guidance and direction, but not in any coercive sense, as Augustinianism seems to …

4456 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Priest.19

… Divine Choice: The Scriptures furnish information touching this point. To them we at once turn. Priesthood implies choice. Not only was the office of divine …

4457 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Psychology.18

… free choice, and not of necessity. "Let us make man" is the sublime utterance of divine wisdom and power. Nor does Scripture teach the pre-existence of the soul …

4458 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Quotations in the New Testament.43

… argumentation. Choice has been made of those which have provoked adverse criticism. Among these is the use of Genesis 13:15; 17:8 in Galatians 3:16. This is a leading …

4459 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Rebekah.3

… peculiarly choice and fat.

4460 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Redeemer; Redemption.19

… moral choices of men. In our thought of the divine search for the control of inner human motive we must not stop short of the idea of men redeemed to the love …