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4421 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Mark, the Gospel According To, 2.31

(2) Outside the synagogue: parabolic teaching of the multitude, choice and training of the Twelve and their Great Confession: Mark 3:7 ff through Mark 8:30 .

4422 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Masrekah.2

… of choice vines," but there is nothing to show in what locality it must be sought.

4423 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Mibhar.2

… (mibhchar, "choice"(?)): According to 1 Chronicles 11:38, the name of one of David's heroes. No such name, however, occurs in the parallel passage ( 2 Samuel 23:36 ). A comparison …

4424 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Ministry.47

… his choice--the congregation was told to elect a reader, and provision was made for a ministry of women. It was possible to obey such instructions, because the …

4425 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Myrtle.2

… the choice plants of the land ( Isaiah 41:19 ). "Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir-tree; and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle-tree" ( Isaiah 55:13 …

4427 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Names, Proper.28

… to Choice. The people in general gathered names for their children freely from all parts of this wide field, but in certain circles influences were at work …

4428 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Names, Proper.33

… the choice of the name. There are instances also where no part of the name reappears in the words that state the reason for the use of the name. For example, the …

4429 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Names, Proper.36

… the choice of the name: In the case of Simeon, the root of the name is used ( Genesis 29:33 ). Words of this type (with the termination on) are formed from nouns and verbs …

4430 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Nineveh.31

… the choice of the site by the Babylonian settlers, and the foundation there of the great temple of Ishtar or Nina. The date of this foundation is unknown, but …

4431 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Obadiah, Book of.12

… . Our choice must be between a very early date (circa 845) and a date shortly after 587, with the scales almost evenly balanced.

4432 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Obedience of Christ.4

… voluntary choice under all representative conditions, culminating in that which was supremely hard, and at the limit which should reveal its perfection …

4433 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Olive Tree.5

… a choice stock and after another three or four years they may commence to bear fruit, but they take quite a decade more before reaching full fruition. Much …

4434 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Omniscience.9

… freewill choices of man implies that there enters into these choices, notwithstanding their free character, an element of predetermination, to which the …

4435 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Omri.5

… his choice of Samaria as the royal residence and capital of the Northern Kingdom. This step may have been suggested to Omri by his own easy conquest of Tirzah …

4436 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Palestine, 2.19

… a "choice vine," and a rock-cut wine press exists at the site (SWP, III, 126). These 5 places, all close together, were also close to the Philistine grain lands ( Judges …

4437 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Palestine, 2.22

… the choice of remaining with the husband's family, or of quitting his house (compare 1:8). The beating out of gleanings (2:17) by women is still a custom which accounts …

4438 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Palestine, 2.25

… public choice by lot has been thought (Wellhausen, History of Israel, 1885, 252) to indicate a double narrative, but to a Hebrew there would not appear to be any …

4439 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Palestine, 2.30

… public choice of Saul, on the double visit to Hachilah, and on the fact that the gloomy king had forgotten the name of David's father. The history is not a "pious …

4440 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Paraclete.7

… a choice of several words. Let us glance at them in order. The translation "Comforter" contains an element of the meaning of the word as employed in the Gospels …