Search for: Choice

4401 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Jesus Christ, 4e2.50

… the choice of Barabbas) is to be placed the washing of his hands by Pilate--a vain disclaiming of his responsibility--recorded in Matthew 27:24, and the awful …

4402 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Job, Book of.48

… a choice of setting. The patriarchal conditions, wherein the family is the social and communal unit, enable him to portray worship and conduct in their primal …

4403 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. John, the Epistles Of, Part 4-9.9

… the choice and use of particles is accounted for by the fact that dialogue and narrative, of which the Gospel is largely composed, are foreign to the Epistle …

4404 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Joshua (2).25

… the choice. And if, during the march, he had held the position of military commander and organizer under Moses, as the narrative seems to imply, to him was due …

4405 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Judah, Kingdom of.67

… their choice to the Davidic line. But it was exercised when occasion required. Joash had been chosen by the populace, and it was they who, when the public discontent …

4406 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Keys, Power of The.50

… made choice among them, that by his mouth the Gentiles should hear the word of God and believe, but this was said by way of conciliating the Jewish party and …

4407 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. King, Christ As.15

4. By the Free Choice of His People

4408 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. King, Christ As.37

… Divine choice and appointment, and this was the ideal in the case of his successors. The figment of "Divine right"--by virtue of which modern kings have claimed …

4409 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. King, Christ As.39

… Free Choice of His People: Except in the most autocratic form of kingship, some place has been given to the suffrage of the people, and the other phases of the …

4410 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. King; Kingdom.32

… . The choice of Yahweh in the case of Saul is implied by the anointing of Saul by Samuel and through the confirmation of this choice by the holy lot ( 1 Samuel 10 …

4411 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. King; Kingdom.35

… his choice he was doubtless restricted to the Aaronites ( 1 Chronicles 16:37, 39; 2 Samuel 8:17; 1 Kings 2:27, 35 ). The priesthood was under the king's supervision …

4412 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Know; Knowledge.2

… will (choice, love, favor, or, conversely, repugnance, dislike, etc.). Knowledge is distinguished from "opinion" by its greater certainty. The mind is constituted …

4414 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Liberty.2

… of choice, but in deliverance from the darkening of the mind, the tyranny of sinful lusts and the enthrallment of the will, induced by a morally corrupt state …

4415 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Libraries.28

… ) preserving choice books for posterity by a local series of inscriptions.

4416 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Libraries.39

… the choice and proclamation of Saul as king was the writing of a constitution by Samuel and the depositing of this in the sacred archives ( 1 Samuel 10:25 ). This …

4417 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Like; Liken; Likeness; Liking.5

… American) "choice"). In 1 Esdras 4:39, "All men do well like of her works" is a further obsolete use.

4418 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Lord's Day.6

… . A choice of a special day must have become necessary, and this day would, of course, have been Sunday. Doubtless, however, certain individuals and communities …

4419 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Lord's Prayer, The.12

… few choice sentences. For those who are not able to bring their struggling desires to birth in articulate language it provides an instructive form. To the …

4420 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Lot (1).10

… the choice of the land--from the nomad's point of view. In the "we are brethren" ( Genesis 13:8 ), the whole force of the scene is crystallized. Lot, who believes himself …