Search for: Choice

4381 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Israel, History Of, 3.58

… the choice now fell on Jehoahaz, a younger son of Josiah, called by Jeremiah (22:11) Shallum. But he found no favor with Necho, who took him prisoner in his camp at …

4382 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Israel, Religion Of, 1.73

… free choice and will, and to which the people voluntarily gave their assent, is not an idea of later date in the religious history of Israel, which grew out of …

4383 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Issues.2

Issues - ish'-uz (tots'-oth, literally, "outgoings"): (1) Ways of escape ( Psalms 68:20 the King James Version); (2) free moral choices ( Proverbs 4:23 ).

4384 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Jacob (1).38

… Jacob's choice but Laban's fraud that introduced this cause of schism. At the end of his 7 years' labor Jacob received as wife not Rachel but Leah, on the belated …

4385 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Jacob (1).56

… Jacob's choice, evidently for the first time, of his fathers' God as his God. And though we find Jacob later tolerating idolatry in his household and compromising …

4386 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Jacob (1).68

… this choice involved the rejection of Esau. Yahweh appeared to Jacob at Beth-el and told him the land of Canaan was to be his and his seed's after him forever …

4387 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Jacob (1).70

… this choice of Jacob and rejection of Esau was made by God even before these twin sons of Isaac and Rebecca were born. Finally, the author of He, when charting …

4388 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. James, Epistle of.31

… good choice for the head of the Christian church. The blood of David flowed in his veins. He had all the Jew's pride in the special privileges of the chosen race …

4389 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Jeremiah (2).16

… the choice of going to Babylon or of remaining in his native lan d. He decided for the latter, and went to the governor Gedaliah, at Mizpah, a man worthy of all confidence …

4390 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Jeroboam.13

… the choice and approval of the popular assembly. Divinely set apart for his task, and having the approval of the people, Jeroboam nevertheless failed to rise …

4391 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Jesse.4

Both Samuel and Jesse fail to discern at first Yahweh's choice, Samuel thinking that it would be the eldest son ( 1 Samuel 16:6 ), while Jesse had not thought it worth while to call the youngest to the feast ( 1 Samuel 16:11 ).

4392 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Jesus Christ, 1 Outline.107


4393 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Jesus Christ, 2.38

… the choice between a two years' and a three years' ministry. Both have able advocates (Turner in article "Chronology," and Sanday in article "Jesus Christ," in H D …

4394 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Jesus Christ, 4c1.35

II. From First Galilean Circuit till the Choice of the Apostles.

4395 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Jesus Christ, 4c1.76

… the choice of twelve apostles. The choice was made in early morning, on the Mount of Beatitudes, after a night spent wholly in prayer ( Luke 6:12 ).

4396 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Jesus Christ, 4c1.84

… : The choice of the apostles inaugurates a new period of Christ's activity. Its first most precious fruit was the delivery to the apostles and the multitudes …

4397 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Jesus Christ, 4c1.98

… the choice of what is to be our supreme good. Earthly treasure is not to be put above heavenly. The kingdom of God and His righteousness are to be first in our …

4398 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Jesus Christ, 4c2.14

… their choice between a spiritual acceptance of Him and a break with Him altogether. What He had said strongly offended them, both on account of the claims …

4399 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Jesus Christ, 4e2.42

… the choice of Barabbas), had repeatedly declared that he found no crime in Jesus ( Mark 15:14; Luke 23:4, 14, 22; John 18:38; 4, 6 ), the real spring of their action was laid …

4400 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Jesus Christ, 4e2.47

… the choice between Jesus and a notorious robber and murderer called Barabbas, then in prison. Just then, as he sat on the judgment seat, a message from his wife …